Useful tips

How long does it take to travel 60 miles at 60mph?

How long does it take to travel 60 miles at 60mph?

1 hour at a speed of 60mph to cover 60 miles.

How far can you drive in 10 minutes?

Formula is simple, Distance Travelled is = Speed * Time. Time of travel is 10 Minutes which is equal to 10/60 Hours = 1/6 Hour. D = 30 * (1/6) = 5 Miles. That means, with a speed of 30 MPH, if moving object travels for 10 minutes, the moving object moves a distance of 5 Miles.

How far will you travel in one minute if you are doing exactly 60 miles per hour all the way?

1 mile
Miles per hour is often used for car speeds. One minute at 60 mph will move you 1 mile.

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How long would it take to drive 60 miles?

60 miles (distance) can be driven in 0.8571428571 hours (approx.) or in 51.4285714286 minutes (approx.) where the average speed is 70 mph (rate).

How many feet per second do you travel at 60 mph?

So if you want to calculate the speed of a car at sixty miles an hour, the math is (60 x 5280) ÷ (60 x 60) = 88 feet per second. So this formula works for any “how far do you travel?” questions.

How far can I drive in 30 minutes?

Since 30 minutes is 1/2 of an hour, you will drive 1/2 of 40 miles, or 20 miles.

How fast is 4 miles in 20mins?

4 miles per 20 minutes = 4 miles in 1/3 of a mile. Multiply each by 3, you end up with 12 miles in 60 minutes, or 12 mph.

How many feet do you travel at 60 mph?

How long does it take to drive 60 miles at 100 mph?

All the above examples are at travelling at 60mph. 60 miles per hour = 1 mile per minute. Therefore: 100 miles = 100 minutes or 1 hr 40 minutes.

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How long would it take to walk 60 miles?

Here are some figures for different walking paces:

Miles Relaxed Pace Normal Pace
50 miles 16 hrs, 40 mins 12 hrs, 30 mins
60 miles 20 hrs 15 hrs
70 miles 23 hrs, 20 mins 17 hrs, 30 mins
80 miles 26 hrs, 40 mins 20 hrs

How much is 60 miles in hours?

There’s 60 minutes in an hour, and at 60 mph you are going 60 miles in 1 hour, or 60 minutes.

How to calculate average speed of a cyclist?

Then, apply the avg speed formula to get 120 miles / 2 hours = 60 mph (miles per hour). Example 2: A cyclist travels to and from work, covering 10 km each way. It took him 25 minutes on the way to work and 35 minutes on the way back. What is the cyclist’s average speed? First, add up the time to get 1 hour total.

How do you calculate the top speed of a motorcycle?

Multiply the braking efficiency (as a percentage), the drag factor and the length of the skid mark together. Multiply that number by 30, which is a constant for this type of equation. Figure the square-root of the number from multiplying the other factors together. This will give you the speed of the motorcycle in miles per hour.

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What is the average speed of 250 miles per hour?

For example, if the total distance travelled was 250 miles and the time it took was 5 hours, then the average speed was 250 / 5 = 50 miles per hour (mph). If the distance was 200 kilometers and it took 4 hours to cover it, then the speed was 200 / 4 = 50 km/h (kilometers per hour). Finding average speed examples

How do you calculate average speed on a road trip?

Make sure you subtract any rests or stops you made from the total trip duration. If the total distance travelled was 250 miles and the time it took you was 5 hours, then your average speed was 250 / 5 = 50 miles per hour (mph).