Useful tips

How many atoms are in the thickness of a sheet of paper?

How many atoms are in the thickness of a sheet of paper?

By my estimation, a sheet of copy paper is about 0.0098 cm thick. A carbon atom is about 2.2X10^-8 cm thick. * Therefore, a sheet of paper is 445,455 atoms thick.

How thick would the paper be if you could fold it 10 times?

A paper folded in half 10 times will result in thickness roughly the width of your hand, but if it’s folded 20 times will be 10 km high, which makes it higher than Mount Everest.

How thick would a sheet of paper be folded 100 times?

With just over 100 folds, the thickness of the paper would be equal to 93 billion light-years. The reason for this is exponential growth. Here’s how the thickness of the paper would grow due to exponential growth.

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How many atoms are in a piece of paper?

Doing the math you get that one sheet of paper is approximately 0.02775mol. With Avogadro’s constant, we can calculate that there are0.02775mol×6.02214⋅1023moleculemol = 1.07⋅1022molecule. As in one cellulose molecule there are 21 atoms, the number of atoms is 2.247⋅1023 atoms.

How do you fold code in atom?

You can fold blocks of code by clicking the arrows that appear when you hover your mouse cursor over the gutter. You can also fold and unfold from the keyboard with the Alt+Ctrl+[ and Alt+Ctrl+] keybindings. To fold everything, use Alt+Ctrl+Shift+[ and to unfold everything use Alt+Ctrl+Shift+] .

How thick is an atom?

Everything around us is made up of atoms. An atom is a million times smaller than the thickest human hair. The diameter of an atom ranges from about 0.1 to 0.5 nanometers (1 × 10−10 m to 5 × 10−10 m).

How many atoms are in a single piece of paper?

What if we fold a paper 42 times?

Given a paper large enough—and enough energy—you can fold it as many times as you want . Problem: If you fold it 103 times (only if you could ) , the thickness of your paper will be larger than the observable Universe: 93 billion light-years. Yes,on folding the paper 42 times ,it would reach the moon.

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Can a paper be folded 8 times?

Trying to fold an ordinary sheet of A4 paper suggests that even eight times is impossible: the number of layers doubles each time, and the paper rapidly gets too thick and too small to fold. Such ‘geometric growth’ effects are dramatic: in theory, 26 folds would make the paper thicker than the height of Mount Everest.

How thick is a piece of paper if you fold it?

It would seem quite plain at a glance, but if you take a piece of paper that is only 0.1 mm thick and fold it in half, the new thickness is 0.2 mm. This thickness goes on increasing exponentially, as does the height of the paper. If you fold the same piece of paper 7 times, it would be as thick as 128 sheets of paper.

How many atoms are there in a sheet of paper?

By my estimation, a sheet of copy paper is about 0.0098 cm thick. A carbon atom is about 2.2X10^-8 cm thick.* Therefore, a sheet of paper is 445,455 atoms thick.

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What happens when you fold paper 7 times?

If you fold the same piece of paper 7 times, it would be as thick as 128 sheets of paper. Also, with the increase in height, you also have a lesser width at your disposal to use in order to apply some force to keep the paper folding. So yes, not only does the paper become immensely thick, but it also becomes very, very tall.

Is there a paper thicker than the universe?

So yes, not only does the paper become immensely thick, but it also becomes very, very tall. In fact, it is said that if you folded a paper more than 100 times, you would have a piece of paper that would be thicker than the Universe itself! Here’s a video of the Mythbuster team debunking the 7-folds only myth.