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How many kills does Su-27 have?

How many kills does Su-27 have?

The Su-27, on the other hand, has a kill/loss ratio of 6-0, and two losses due to ground fire. One ground fire loss each was in the Abkazhia War and in the Angolan Civil War, 5 kills in the Ethiopian-Eritrean War and one in the first Chechen War.

What is the strongest war plane?

USAF F-22 Raptor fighter jet
USAF F-22 Raptor fighter jet is widely considered the most powerful fighter jet and is not being sold to other countries.

How many MiG 29 shot down?

six MiG-29s
A total of six MiG-29s were shot down during the NATO intervention in the Kosovo War, three by USAF F-15s, one by a USAF F-16, and one by a RNLAF F-16. However, one aircraft, according to its pilot, was hit by friendly fire from the ground. Another four were destroyed on the ground.

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Why is the SU-27 so big?

The Su-27 and the rest of the Flanker family are large jets for the same reason the F-15 is and the F-14 was large. They are both high end air superiority fighters that were built with BVR combat and a long range in mind.

How many su57 are there?

Sukhoi Su-57

Status In service
Primary user Russian Air Force
Produced 2009–present
Number built 12 (10 test and 2 serials) as of 2020

How many MiG-25 have been shot down?

According to research by journalist Tom Cooper, Iranian claimed ten MiG-25s (nine reconnaissance and one fighter) may have been shot down by Iranian F-14s (one of them shared with an F-5) during the Iran-Iraq war. Only three MiG-25 losses (to ground fire or air combat) were confirmed by Iraq.

What plane has the most firepower?

One B-2 Stealth Bomber Has More Firepower Than an Entire Aircraft Carrier. According to aerospace and defense company Northrop Grumman, the United States Air Force’s “B-2 stealth bomber is a key component of the nation’s long-range strike arsenal, and one of the most survivable aircraft in the world.

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How difficult was it to fly the Sopwith Camel in WWI?

Most WWI enthusiasts are familiar with the British Sopwith Camel biplane fighter, which took down more German aircraft than any other Allied aircraft. While the Camel was highly maneuverable, its sensitivity and instability made it difficult to fly.

Is the Air Force short of pilots?

The U.S. Air Force still is short thousands of pilots. All the effort the flying branch has made in recent years to fill the gap so far have failed. Air Force officials on March 3, 2020 told a House Armed Services subcommittee that the service is short 2,100 pilots.

Does the Navy have more pilots than the Air Force?

Does Navy have more pilots than the Air Force? Currently, the Air Force has 12,500 pilots on active duty, while the Navy maintains a force of 7,000 active duty pilots. There is currently a shortage of qualified pilots in both branches.

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Are there enough fighter pilots in the US military?

In fact, both military branches report they are about 25 percent short of fighter pilots needed in critical areas. While there’s certainly no shortage of potential pilot candidates, the biggest issue plaguing both branches comes down to one thing: retention.