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How many ways can you answer 5 multiple choice questions each with four choices A B C D?

How many ways can you answer 5 multiple choice questions each with four choices A B C D?

There are 4^5 ways to answer 5 multiple choice questions. Multiply those together and you get (2^15)(4^5) or 2^25 or 33,554,432 different ways to answer the exam. Better study.

How many different ways can you answer 6 multiple choice questions if each question has 4 possible responses?

There would be 4,096 different possible answer keys to the test described.

How many ways can you answer 3 multiple choice questions?

Either it is a possible answer or it is not. So that would mean that there are 2^4 (2*2*2*2) = 16 total possibilities.

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How many ways can you answer 10 multiple choice questions of each question has 4 choices?

410 ways
Here, there are 4 choices per question, and 10 questions. Choosing an answer for each question is a sequential task, so there are 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4=410 ways to answer.

How many possible answers are there in a 5 item multiple choice quiz with 4 choices for each?

The multiple choice question have four choices each: 5 * 4 = 20.

How many arrangements of answers are possible in a multiple choice test with 5 questions?

5√, 5X, 252 ways.

How many ways can a 6 question multiple choice quiz be answered?

In each question you have two options, T and F. Then in 6 questions you have 2 options for the first, two for the second, two for the third… At the end you get 2·2·2·2·2·2 = 26 options and 26 = 64.

How many choices are in a multiple choice question?

Textbook writers often recommend four or five options per multiple-choice item, and most, if not all, testing programs in the United States also employ four or five options.

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How many even 4 digit whole numbers are there?

Discussion Forum

Que. How many even 4 digit whole numbers are there?
b. 7250
c. 4500
d. 3600

How many different answer keys are possible for a 10?

So number of ways to answer all the 10 question will be =3×3×3×3×3×3×3×3×3×3= 3^(10)=59049.