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How much can MCU Hulk lift?

How much can MCU Hulk lift?

The Hulk attains his strength level when he is enraged. He possesses superhuman strength of the Class 100 level which enables him to lift in excess of 100 tons.

How strong is Professor Hulk?

The Professor is the largest of the three primary Hulk incarnations and he also possesses a higher base strength level. While in a calm emotional state, the Professor is capable of lifting in excess of 100 tons.

What is Hulk’s strongest feat?

  • One of the Hulk’s strongest feats is holding up a 150 billion ton mountain thrown on top of him & other heroes by Molecule Man during the Secret Wars saga of ’84:
  • Holding open a black hole:
  • Destroying an asteroid with one punch via assistance from a jetpack:
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How many tons can MCU Thor lift?

How high that strength level rises would vary in different comic books, but most classify Thor in the “Class-100” strength category, which means he can lift well over 100 tons without too much difficulty.

Is Smart Hulk stronger than regular Hulk?

But then again, Professor Hulk uses his brain as we have seen him use martial arts to defeat his enemies rather than just smashing around! So in terms of efficiency, Professor Hulk is more ‘stronger’ than Normal Hulk! , Been watching anime since 2010.

Is Smart Hulk stronger than Hulk?

he has the same amount of power, just professor hulk would be smarter, combine that with all that strength and you got something really hard to beat, if he is stupid, he would just go in and fight, but if he was professor hulk, he could have a smart plan and be strong, he would be really hard to beat.

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Who is Professor Hulk in the MCU?

in: Professor Hulk. In Marvel Comics 2 (MC2) universe (first appearance: The Incredible Hulk #377), came Professor Hulk, the idealized version of Bruce where he has all the strength of the Savage Hulk and the intelligence of Bruce Banner but none of the emotional baggage, awkwardness or shyness. Avengers: Endgame film.

Is Hulk the strongest character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Hulk might not live up to his comic book counterpart’s preposterous feats of power, but he’s still one of the strongest characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After suffering so much with his duality, it’s nice to see Bruce Banner find peace as a celebrity.

Is the Hulk stronger than Thanos?

Although he loses his arm as a result, he’s strong enough to lift the base of the destroyed Avengers facility after Thanos totals it. Hulk might not live up to his comic book counterpart’s preposterous feats of power, but he’s still one of the strongest characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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Who is the strongest in the Avengers?

In The Avengers, Hulk is undoubtedly the strongest member of the team. At this point, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is not powerful enough to subdue him and the only blow that knocks him out is a fall from a jet at a high altitude.