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How often was Spock wrong?

How often was Spock wrong?

But author Julia Galef believes Spock, first played by Leonard Nimoy, was not exactly a rational thinker himself. She studied every episode of the original series and found he was wrong 83 per cent of the time.

What did Mr Spock always say?

“Live long and prosper” and “the needs of the many” are just a few of the actor’s finest lines.

What was Spock’s famous line?

live long and prosper
As well as “live long and prosper”, below are some more of Spock’s best quotes. “Insufficient facts always invite danger.” “Without followers, evil cannot spread.” “Space: the final frontier.

What made Spock cry?

When he lost control of his emotions Spock, half Vulcan, was always in control of his emotions. But in “The Naked Time,” Spock got all kinds of intoxicated (thanks to Psi-2000 Polywater) and felt all of the emotions he’d been concealing. He cried.

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What is Vulcan logic?

Beginning in the 4th century, Vulcan philosophy revolved around the concept of logic. The highest objective of a traditional Vulcan life was to either control or suppress all emotion, thus rendering a purely logical being. This difficult task was attained through meditation and discipline.

Is Mr Spock logical?

Spock is not the exemplar of logic and rationality you might think him to be. Instead, he is a “straw man” of rationality used to show (incorrectly) that human emotion and irrationality are better than logic. Spock, respect is a rational process.

What did Spock say before he died?

the death scene of Captain Spock (Leonard Nimoy), who had just sacrificed his life (after being exposed to radiation) to save the doomed U.S.S. Kirk (William Shatner) as he died: (“Don’t grieve, Admiral. It is logical. The needs of the many outweigh (the needs of the few).

What were Spock’s dying words?

Actor Leonard Nimoy, best known for the role of Spock on “Star Trek,” died on Friday, according to his family. The beloved actor almost always ended his tweets with “LLAP,” shorthand for “live long and prosper,” the Vulcan aphorism that became Spock’s — and, thus, Nimoy’s own — catchphrase.

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Did Spock ever show emotion?

Yes, he is half human and half Vulcan, he does Experience and even show Emotion in TOS such as in Amok Time and other places, as well as in TMP, III,IV, VI and in Star Trek 2009 and Star Trek Into Darkness. Vulcans do experience emotion.

How can I be like Spock?

Talk Like Spock– to improve your communication skills

  1. Taking emotion out of the conversation.
  2. Listening carefully and analytically to what others have to say—with an open mind.
  3. Stating facts, not feelings.
  4. Realizing that conflict can spur growth.
  5. Coming to reasonable conclusions that are supported by facts.

Why do Vulcans have green blood?

A Vulcan’s on-screen blood is green due to copper-based hemocyanin. Vulcans are said to possess an inner eyelid, or nictitating membrane, which protects their vision from bright light.

Is Spock stoic?

All in all, Spock is hardly the Stoic sage. Although he has some Stoic leanings, he consistently falls short of being the man of action. Spock: ‘That is most illogical, it is more rational to sacrifice one life than six. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.