Useful tips

How would you describe your family in French?

How would you describe your family in French?

To describe your family, you can say: Dans ma famille, il y a mon beau-père, ma mère et deux frères – In my family, there is my step-father, my mother and two brothers Dans ma famille, il y a mon père, ma mère et trois sœurs – In my family, there is my father, mother and three sisters.

How do you introduce your brother in French?

Permettez-moi de vous présenter mon frère.

Is Sister masculine or feminine in French?

A woman is une femme, a girl is une fille, and a sister is une sœur.

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Is family in French masculine or feminine?

la famille
‘Family’ in French is la famille (pronounced la fam mee), and the noun is feminine because the article in front of the noun – la- is feminine.

What does La famille?

One of the interesting things about la famille and French family vocabulary is that the word parent means not just “parent” as in mother or father, but also “relative.” It can be both a noun and an adjective. Par exemple…

What is La Familia?

Meaning “the family” in Spanish, la familia variously refers in English to one’s family, circle of friends and coworkers, teammates, or other close communities or organizations.

How can I write to my brother?

My brother is very polite by nature and is loved by one and all. He often shares his chocolates, sweets and candies with me. He loves playing snakes and ladders and ludo with me during weekends. He shares everything with me and is very comfortable discussing his classes, school friends and homework with me.

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How do you write a paragraph about yourself in French?

In French…

  1. Je m’appelle ________(your name).
  2. J’ ai ______ (your age) ans.
  3. J’ habite à _______(the place you live).
  4. Je suis ________(your nationality).
  5. Je suis grande et très intelligent.
  6. J’ aime ________(name the things you like). Eg; la glace, jouer au foot, etc.
  7. Je détesté _________ (name the things you don’t like).

How to answer the questions about your siblings in French?

Here we have prepared a detailed set of possible questions and responses about your siblings (brothers and sisters). See if you can answer the questions correctly, then check out our suggested responses. 1. As-tu des frères ou des soeurs? Have you got any brothers or sisters? J’ai une soeur. I have one sister. Je n’ai pas de soeur.

What is the colloquial word for ‘sister’ in French?

Nordic blond, with blue eyes. By the way, if I were to introduce her to a french speaking friend I might use the colloquial word for sister : “frangine” . 9 lessons from millionaires who are good with money.

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How to describe the structure of your family in French?

Knowing how to describe the structure of your family in French. To describe the structure of your family in French, you need to follow the guidelines below: 1. Ton nom (your name). Here, you need to mention your name in any of the following formats:  Je m’appelle Elvis Fiati. Mon est Fiati, mon prénom est Elvis.