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Is El Salvador struggling?

Is El Salvador struggling?

The smallest country in Central America, El Salvador suffers from persistent low levels of growth and poverty reduction in the country has been moderate. However, inequality has declined during the last two decades and El Salvador is now one of the most equal countries in Latin America.

Is El Salvador a weak state?

El Salvador: Fragile state index, 0 (low) – 120 (high), 2007 – 2021: The average value for El Salvador during that period was 73.32 index points with a minimum of 68.9 index points in 2020 and a maximum of 78.1 index points in 2010. The latest value from 2021 is 71.6 index points.

What is the most failed state in the world?

Fragile States Index 2021

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Rank Country 2021 score
1 Yemen 111.7
2 Somalia 110.9
3 Syria 110.7
4 South Sudan 109.4

What is driving the violence in El Salvador?

Transnational gangs like MS-13 are a major driver of violence in El Salvador, but they are far from the only problem. Jose Cabezas/Reuters Editor’s note: This is a roundup of material from The Conversation archive.

Can Salvadorans be deported from the US?

Some 200,000 Salvadorans now have until Sept. 9, 2019, to leave the United States, obtain a green card or be deported. According to a Jan. 8 DHS statement, the decision was made “after a review of the disaster-related conditions upon which the country’s original designation was based,” which determined that they “no longer exist.”

How many people are killed in El Salvador every year?

With 81.2 murders per 100,000 people in 2016, El Salvador is the deadliest place in the world that’s not a war zone. More than 5,200 people were killed there in 2016. How did El Salvador become so violent?

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What type of government does El Salvador have?

El Salvador is a constitutional multiparty republic with a democratically elected government. In February 2019 voters elected Nayib Bukele as president for a five-year term. The election was generally free and fair, according to international observers.