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Is Ezra Bridger canon?

Is Ezra Bridger canon?

Ezra was first introduced to Star Wars fandom in the animated series Star Wars Rebels which takes place before the events of Episode IV: A New Hope. Ezra is absolutely part of Star Wars canon, and he’s one of the best characters in the entire story universe.

Does Ezra become a Sith in rebels?

Ezra Bridger is trained by Darth Maul Ezra earns a distinction very few Jedi ever achieve: He’s trained by both a Jedi and a Sith.

Does starkiller exist in canon?

Starkiller became an immediate fan-favorite character but ended up being struck from canon when Disney reset the expanded canon to make room for its new continuity.

Will Galen Marek be canon?

Originally Answered: Is Galen Marek Canon? No, he isn’t, by any metric. The continuity established post-Disney included only the movies and the animated series The Clone Wars, with all future materials being in-continuity with those.

Who killed Galen Marek?

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Recently, an E3 premiere showed that the ending of The Force Unleashed remains unaltered, and that Galen “Starkiller” Marek did indeed die after battling the Emperor; this Starkiller is a clone, created by Darth Vader in an attempt to create the ultimate Sith warrior.

Who is Ezra Bridger in Star Wars Rebels?

And remember, the Force will be with you, always.” Ezra Bridger is the protagonist of the Disney XD animated series, Star Wars Rebels . Once a common orphan trying to survive, Ezra is eventually adopted by Kanan Jarrus, who acknowledges his Force potential and joins the crew of the Ghost in their small Rebellion against the Empire.

Why did Ezra take over for Kanan in Star Wars?

Because of Kanan’s initial mistrust towards Rex and the Clone Troopers, and Rex believing that he had worked with better Jedi then Kanan, Ezra takes on the responsibility of being the bridge between them. He was also more willing to join the Rebel Alliance, unlike Kanan.

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What makes Ezra such a great Jedi?

One of the main characters of the animated series Star Wars: Rebels went from “street rat” on his home planet of Lothal to the key to unlocking the World Between Worlds in one of the most memorable moments in Star Wars storytelling. What makes Ezra such a great Jedi? First and foremost, Ezra had the purest motives of any Jedi in canon.

What is Ezra Bridger’s background?

Ezra was born Force-sensitive on the planet Lothal to Ephraim and Mira Bridger, during the day when the Galactic Empire came to power. Ezra’s parents were known to do secret broadcasting and speaking out publicly against the Empire because they fought for those in need and for his freedom.