Useful tips

Is fear a learned behavior?

Is fear a learned behavior?

Fear can be learned through direct experience with a threat, but it can also be learned via social means such as verbal warnings or observ-ing others. Phelps’s research has shown that the expression of socially learned fears shares neural mechanisms with fears that have been acquired through direct experience.

Are humans born with fear?

We have two innate fears which are universal and are common to all humans regardless of the society or culture into which they were born and raised. They are the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling.

Is fear a matter?

“Fear matters,” says Karen Warkentin, a Boston University ecologist. “It’s a good thing,” she adds, “because fear makes you do things that keep you alive.” Like kids, many animals experience fear. Some animals respond to fear in ways you might not expect.

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What 2 phobias are we born with?

We are only born with two fears: the fear of falling, and the fear of loud noises.

Is fear a choice or an instinct?

I believe fear is a choice, because everyone is afraid of different things. While a lot of these things do hold actual danger, it isn’t something everybody see’s. For some people, fear is simple things, like not knowing where you are- which holds no real danger, unless you’re in the middle of the jungle.

Is fear a choice or an obligation?

Sorry for rambling, but overall, fear is a choice, but only if you view it that way. It is for those who have the strength to make such a choice. Those with good emotional control can choose to resist or ignore fear.

Is it possible to override your fear response?

When the perceived threat presents itself, your automatic response is not a choice—even if others are not fearful of the same threat triggers you are. You can learn to override your fear response, but this is a little more complicated and requires coaching (such as treating phobias).

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Why is it so hard to control my fear?

Those with good emotional control can choose to resist or ignore fear. Those with poor emotional control, those who are emotionally unstable, insecure or lack confidence will find fear difficult to control or ignore even impossible for many leading to panic or anxiety attacks being overwhelmed with fear.