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IS function can return more than one value at a time?

IS function can return more than one value at a time?

Explanation: True, A function cannot return more than one value at a time. because after returning a value the control is given back to calling function.

How many values can a function return at a time in Python?

A function is not restricted to return a variable, it can return zero, one, two or more values. This is the default property of python to return multiple values/variables which is not available in many other programming languages like C++ or Java.

How many values can a function return at a time Mcq?

8) How many values can a C Function return at a time.? Explanation: Using a return val; statement, you can return only one value.

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How many values can a function return at a time in Java?

one value
You can return only one value in Java. If needed you can return multiple values using array or an object.

How many maximum values can a function return using return statement?

So, as you can see you can return only 1 value, but that value can be made up from several variables of the same type. In this case multiple variables put together to return a String.

How many return statements are allowed in function?

So, only one return statement is executed at run time even though the function contains multiple return statements. Any number of ‘return’ statements are allowed in a function definition but only one of them is executed at run time.

How many return statement can a function have?

A function can have multiple return statements but only one of them will be executed because once a return statement is executed, the program control moves back to the caller function skipping the remaining statements of the current function.

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Can you have 2 return statements in a function?

A function can have multiple return statements. When any of them is executed, the function terminates. A function can return multiple types of values.

How many values can ac function return at a time with return?