Useful tips

Is it legal to write fanfiction about real people?

Is it legal to write fanfiction about real people?

Fanfiction generally is a violation of copyright law, however, most authors and publishers choose to ignore it. Sometimes they think fanfiction is useful in publicizing the original work and in maintaining a positive relationship with the fans.

Is it OK to write fanfiction about celebrities?

It’s something some people do, mainly younger people. It’s only really acceptable and understandable when it’s fiction of celebrities and the writer draws a line between public life and private life, to the extent that the writer actively avoids finding out details of their private life.

Can I use a real school in my novel?

Simple answer – Yes. Just add in your disclaimer that while you have referred to real life places in your writing, that anything you have depicted taking place in any of them have no relation to past or current people and events.

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Can you use real place names in fiction?

Towns/City Names: You can use the names of real towns and cities without any problems. I tend to use real large cities and make up the names of smaller towns. It’s easier to “create” a town to your story’s specifications and needs. You can take liberties with real places by making up the names of streets or businesses.

How to start writing fanfiction?

1. Begin your action early on. Assume from the start that whoever’s reading your fanfic is going to have as much of a knowledge of the source material

  • 2. Refer to the source material. If you ever run into writer’s block or find your progress slowing down,it does a lot to return to your source
  • 3. Stay true to your characters. While settings and story can be changed with more liberty,readers are not going to like it if you are changing the
  • 4. Write every day. The creative juices only really get flowing if you’re putting yourself into the same project every day. Writing is a sure case of
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    How do I make fanfiction?

    Steps Choose the anime/manga/book/TV show/video game/movie you want your fanfiction to be about. Come up with a storyline. Compose your opening paragraph. Add a new element to your story that makes it unique and interesting. Add more details. Further develop the story. Come up with a conclusion. Reread your entire fanfiction.

    Where can I read fanfiction? Archive of our own,aka AO3,is a non-profit fanfiction story-sharing platform that has been designed by a fan.

  • FanFiction is another popular multi-fandom fanwork sharing platform.
  • Is fanfic illegal?

    Fanfiction is really only good for amateur writers and people who want different endings or altered events. Your short answer is yes, as long as you don’t try to make money or claim the original work. Though for some it is technically illegal, no one is going to report everything and it’s better to let it be.