Useful tips

Is it okay to use real places in fiction books?

Is it okay to use real places in fiction books?

Yes. You can make up places. Just make sure to indicate in the foreword that everything in your writing is purely a work of fiction, especially when you use the names of famous places. Otherwise, you might confuse readers – especially the young ones – if such a place exists.

Can you use real company names in fiction?

Editors are frequently asked whether it’s permissible for writers to mention product or business names in books. The short answer is yes. The long answer is be careful. By the nature of doing business, companies put their brands into the public forum and in fact usually appreciate publicity.

Can you write a book about a company without their permission?

Do I need the permission of a corporation to publish an article or book about it? No, and if the company has been treated fairly, you should have no legal problems. Books about corporations written without their consent include Disney War and Under the Influence: The Unauthorized Story of the Anheuser-Busch Dynasty.

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Can you use real schools in books?

You can use a real secondary school.

Can you use a trademarked name in a different industry?

Yes, the similar word mark as Trademark can be registered in different industries. The rule regarding the infringement of the trademark is that the customer should not get confused between the identities of the product of the trade mark and the product having the same mark like trademark.

Can I use brand names on my website?

Any individual or company can trademark a product name, symbol or logo, as long as the mark is unique. In this case, a company’s failure to protect its registered mark from becoming a generic or descriptive word for the product can lead to a loss of its intellectual property rights.

Can you get sued for using someone’s name in a book?

Misappropriation of the Right of Publicity Using someone’s likeness, name, or identifying information for advertising, promotional, or commercial purposes may get you sued. Whether the person is a private individual or public figure, you would be liable for damages, including punitive damages.

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Should I use real names in my memoir?

Write the unabridged, unbridled truth, and use real names when you do — the story flows more freely and more accurately from memory that way. If you change names to protect privacy you can put a disclaimer on the copyright page of the book.

Can someone use my name in a book without permission?

Originally Answered: Do you need someone’s permission to include them in a book you write? Yes – especially if you are using their real name, and the book is a true story. Even if you are changing their name but they will be identifiable by the story, it’s still best practice to get their permission.

Can you use public figures in fiction?

Authors should NOT use real politicians or any other public figures in their fiction without permission. When you insert a real person into your novel, you are inserting them into a fictional setting, with fictional circumstances. You have them doing fictional things, and perhaps saying things they didn’t actually say.

Is it legal to use real people in a story?

Depending on what you do (I know, that was such a lawyer way to answer the question). There are three areas of law writers should be cognizant of when using real people, corporations, or places in their fiction: The right of publicity. Do not let the legal terms scare you.

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Is it fair play to name a company similar to another?

Interestingly, assigning closely similar names, or describing companies or products that resemble real ones but are not named in their honor (or, often, dishonor), is fair play. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day?

Should Authors be allowed to trademark their names?

And here, better late than never, is the response: Fortunately for the multitudes of authors who write fiction (and the innumerable publishing companies that print their books), writers are free, for the most part, to include trademarked names in their stories.

What are the rules for creating fictional characters based on real people?

Here are the general rules a writer should follow when creating fictional characters based on real people: 1) Do nothing to disguise the fictional character based on the real person, and avoid depicting them in an unsavory manner; or