Useful tips

Is it wrong to compliment a girl on her looks?

Is it wrong to compliment a girl on her looks?

Specific body part compliments are only for people you’re dating or sleeping with. With the exception of dramatic hair changes (“you got a haircut!” will suffice) you should never comment on someone’s body. Even “you look great!” and “did you lose weight?” are deadly.

Should you tell a girl she looks good?

If you’re dating the girl and you find her attractive, it’s normal to say “you’re so pretty” from time to time, to let her know you find her attractive. You don’t want to only compliment her on how she looks, however. Also be sure to say she’s smart, interesting, funny, kind, etc.

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How do you compliment a girl on the way she looks?

“You look really good with that new hair!” If you’re close, then you can feel more comfortable using words like gorgeous, beautiful, etc. If you want to give a compliment, make sure it’s an honest one from the bottom of your heart, not just what you think will gain you something.

Should I keep complimenting a girl?

A genuine compliment about something other than looks reduces the risk of a making a woman who isn’t interested in you feel harassed. The moment you compliment a woman on her beauty, body or sex appeal, it’s hard to get back to a place where you’re just being friendly.

Is it OK to compliment a girl over text?

Yeah Of course, You can compliment a girl as much as you like. But keep in mind it should be in a complimentary way not the flirty way. Girls like being complimented. A text like “nice talking with you” or “ you look great today” will make her day.

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Is it okay to compliment a woman on her appearance?

Yes. There is nothing wrong with complimenting a woman on her appearance or beauty. However, if your objective is to begin a sexual relationship with a woman, there is a general rule that you should follow when giving her a compliment. General rule: Make a woman feel attracted to you before giving her a compliment about her attractiveness.

What does it mean when a woman compliments a guy?

A woman wants to be with a guy who she feels attracted to as well. So, if you a compliment a woman before making her feel attracted to you, she will usually assume that you’re only giving her a compliment because you are hoping to impress her and get her to like you.

What does it mean when a girl thanks you for complimenting?

To a woman, that is like hitting the dating jackpot. Yet, if you are only being nice, neutral or friendly to a woman and you then give her a compliment, she will usually just see it as a nice gesture and thank you for it in a friendly way.

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Why do beautiful women hate complimenting men on their looks?

That’s because beautiful women hear all the time that they are beautful, from hundreds and hundreds of men. They’re really bored and tired of this meaningless compliment because they heard it thousands of times. Which makes them almost hate the men who walk up to them and tell them this low-effort, useless compliment.