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Is magnetic force opposite magnetic field?

Is magnetic force opposite magnetic field?

For if a magnet is placed in a uniform magnetic field then both poles will feel the same magnetic force but in opposite directions, since they have opposite magnetic charge.

What causes the magnetic field in an electromagnet?

When an electric current flows in a wire, it creates a magnetic field around the wire. This effect can be used to make an electromagnet . A simple electromagnet comprises a length of wire turned into a coil and connected to a battery or power supply.

Does the magnetic force of an electromagnet come from a magnetic field?

An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by an electric current. The wire turns are often wound around a magnetic core made from a ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic material such as iron; the magnetic core concentrates the magnetic flux and makes a more powerful magnet.

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What happens to induced magnets when you take away the magnetic field?

The induced magnetism is quickly lost when the magnet is removed from the magnetic field. The iron filings in the image become induced magnets when they are near the bar magnet. They lose most or all of their magnetism when they are removed from the magnetic field.

What causes the magnetic field?

Instead, Earth’s magnetic field is caused by a dynamo effect. On Earth, flowing of liquid metal in the outer core of the planet generates electric currents. The rotation of Earth on its axis causes these electric currents to form a magnetic field which extends around the planet.

What causes the magnetic field to change?

The rotation of the Earth causes the buoyant fluid to rise in curved trajectories, which generate new magnetic field by twisting and shearing the existing magnetic field. Occasionally, however, the dipole part of the field reverses, causing the locations of the north and south magnetic poles to switch.

How will you relate the magnetic force to magnetic field lines?

Since magnetic forces act at a distance, we define a magnetic field to represent magnetic forces. As shown in Figure 1, the direction of magnetic field lines is defined to be the direction in which the north end of a compass needle points. The magnetic field is traditionally called the B-field.

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What is the difference between the magnetic field and the magnetic force of a magnet?

Therefore magnetic force is defined as, “The force between two moving charges may be described as the effect exerted upon either charge by a magnetic field created by the other.” The space or the region around a magnet within which magnetic force is exerted on other magnet is called the magnetic field.

Why do two induced magnets repel?

To explain why magnets repel each other, a north end of a magnetic will be attracted to the south of another magnetic. The north and north ends of two magnets as well as the south and south ends of two magnets will repel one another.

What are the uses of induced magnets?

Electromagnetic induction has found many applications, including electrical components such as inductors and transformers, and devices such as electric motors and generators.

What happens when the magnetic flux changes in a loop?

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If the magnetic flux through a loop of wire changes for any reason either by changing the area, A, of the loop or the field, B, through the loop Then an EMF (voltage) will be induced in the wire. This voltage will cause a current to flow (the induced current in the loop).

How does a magnet interact with a moving charge?

Magnetic Field. Interaction of magnetic force and charge – The moving charge interacts with the fixed magnet. The force between them is at a maximum when the velocity of the charge is perpendicular to the magnetic field.

How does a magnet induce a current?

– Ampere / Faraday / Henry moving a magnet near a conducting loop can induce a current. – The magnetic forces between two bodies are due to the interaction between moving electrons in the atoms. – Inside a magnetized body (permanent magnet) there is a coordinated motion of certain atomic electrons .

When was the magnetic effect of electricity first discovered?

Then, in the 19th century, scientists studying the relatively new field of electrical currents discovered that moving charges produce magnetic effects. A current traveling through a loop of wire creates a magnetic field along the axis of the loop.