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Is Septa Lemore Lyanna Stark?

Is Septa Lemore Lyanna Stark?

Lyanna Stark is a major and popular candidate for the true identity of Septa Lemore. The entire foundation of her candidacy rests on the idea that Lyanna did not, in fact, die as a result of child-birth, as commonly articulated in the now-famous “R+L=J” theory.

Is Ashara Dayne Septa Lemore?

Imo, yes, Septa Lemore is Ashara Dayne. Septa Lemore is the only relatively unknown character within the books, who does not have her own child in tow, yet GRRM intentionally lets his readers know that she had been pregnant.. at least once.

Is Septa Lemore A Serra?

Septa Lemore is Serra, Illyrio Mopatis’ bedslave-wife. She gave birth to fAegon and takes the disguise to hide her Lysene background and stay close to her son.

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Is Septa lemore Tyene’s mother?

Mother of Tyene Sand Lemore is a Septa who has given birth before, as evidenced by the stretchmarks on her belly seen by Tyrion Lannister. She is also roughly in her mid 40’s, and Tyene is in her early 20’s, which would lend further support to the theory. Tyene Sand has golden hair.

Is Ashara Dayne Jon Snow’s mother?

Lyanna died, Ned was presented with a baby. Then he went to Starfall to give Ashara her brother’s sword and then he took Lyanna’s bones and little Jon to Winterfell. Ashara is important in A Song of Ice and Fire and we will hear about her again in The Winds of Winter but she is not Jon’s mother.

Is lemore Tyenes mother?

Is SEPTA Lemore related to Wenda?

Septa Lemore is actually Wenda the White Fawn from the Kingswood Brotherhood, which was led by Simon Toyne who was no doubt related to Myles Toyne, the head of the GC who sent Lemore to Aegon. The “white” in her name comes from the white septa’s robes. Lonely and lovely and lethal.

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What does SEPTA Lemore mean?

Septa Lemore is an anagram for pale meteors. Pale meteors is a reference to Starfall and House Dayne. The evidence is irrefutable. 😛 into the Original Septa Lemore Thread in the AdWD Sub-Forum?

Does Tyrion know who Lemore is?

When the Shy Maid reaches Volantis Lemore changes out of her white septa’s robes and disguises herself as a merchant’s daughter, as the city’s main faith is R’hllor. While Tyrion has deduced Griff and Young Griff’s true identities, he cannot figure out who Lemore is or why she travels with the others.

What does Lemore wear in the Stormlands?

Clad again in her septa’s robes, Lemore accompanies Young Griff, actually Aegon Targaryen, to the Stormlands. The Mother and the Father made us in their image, Hugor. We should glory in our bodies, for they are the work of gods.