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Is spacetime actually curved?

Is spacetime actually curved?

In general relativity, spacetime is not ‘flat’ but is curved by the presence of massive bodies. The curvature of spacetime influences the motion of massive bodies within it; in turn, as massive bodies move in spacetime, the curvature changes and the geometry of spacetime is in constant evolution.

Why does curved space-time cause gravity?

The curvature of spacetime (not just space) is responsible for gravity. Literally, near heavy objects, the “future direction” points slightly down. So anything that moves forward in time will find its trajectory pointing down slightly. This takes the form of downward acceleration.

What did Einstein discover about space and time?

As a result, he found that space and time were interwoven into a single continuum known as space-time. As he worked out the equations for his general theory of relativity, Einstein realized that massive objects caused a distortion in space-time. Imagine setting a large object in the center of a trampoline.

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Did Einstein say space is curved?

Einstein said that space is curved and that matter is the source of the curvature. (Matter is also the source of gravitation, so gravity is related to the curvature—but that will come later in the chapter.)

Why is the universe expanding?

Astronomers theorize that the faster expansion rate is due to a mysterious, dark force that is pulling galaxies apart. One explanation for dark energy is that it is a property of space. As a result, this form of energy would cause the universe to expand faster and faster.

Why does gravity slow down time?

Gravitational time dilation occurs because objects with a lot of mass create a strong gravitational field. The gravitational field is really a curving of space and time. The stronger the gravity, the more spacetime curves, and the slower time itself proceeds.

How do we know that spacetime is curved?

A distortion in the way we measure distance implies curvature. In the context of general relativity, this is what we mean when we say spacetime is curved. Distance has warped such that the straightest possible path is not what you expect. In Curved Spacetime, Straight Paths Look Curved

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What does ‘curved space’ mean?

Curved space. Curved spaces play an essential role in general relativity, where gravity is often visualized as curved space. The Friedmann -Lemaître-Robertson-Walker metric is a curved metric which forms the current foundation for the description of the expansion of space and shape of the universe .

Why is space time curved?

Energy cause space-time warp and curve and gravity is the exchange of gravitons. As the photon is packet of electromagnetic energy, gravitons would be considered packets of the gravitational energy or space-time curvature.

What is curvature of spacetime?

CURVATURE OF SPACE-TIME. The curvature of space-time is a distortion of space-time that is caused by the gravitational field of matter. The degree of curvature depends on the strength of the gravitational field (which depends on the massiveness of the objects in that part of space).