Useful tips

Is the government responsible for the well being of its citizens?

Is the government responsible for the well being of its citizens?

In the United States, the government’s responsibility for the health of its citizens stems, in part, from the nature of democracy itself. Health officials are either directly elected or appointed by democratically elected officials.

Why does the federal government make grants in aid to the states?

The federal government distributes grants to state and local governments for several reasons. In some cases, the federal government may devolve or share responsibility for a given service or function because state and local governments have better information about local preferences and costs.

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What type of funding does the federal government provide to the state?

The three general types of federal grants to state and local governments are categorical grants, block grants, and general revenue sharing (see Table 1).

On what grounds do some states assert their right to make immigration policy?

Since the late 1990s, states have asserted a right to make immigration policy on the grounds that they are enforcing, not supplanting, the nation’s immigration laws, and they are exercising their jurisdictional authority by restricting illegal immigrants’ access to education, health care, and welfare benefits, areas …

What is the role and responsibility of government with respect to its citizens?

A government is responsible for creating and enforcing the rules of a society, defense, foreign affairs, the economy, and public services.

How do grants in aid control state policies?

Under the grant-in-aid mechanism, the federal government extends subsidies to the states to be used in carrying on particular governmental services; by accepting these subsidies the states give their assent to federal supervision over administration of the aided services.

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What is the purpose of grants in aid group of answer choices?

What is Grants in Aid? bulk of assistance that the national government provides to states. Competitive, congress has influence over states, cities found legislatures unwilling or unable to come to their aid.

What does federal funding pay for?

More than half of FY 2019 discretionary spending went for national defense, and most of the rest went for domestic programs, including transportation, education and training, veterans’ benefits, income security, and health care (figure 4).

On what grounds do some states assert their right to make immigration policy chegg?

On what grounds do some states assert their right to make immigration policy? They are enforcing the nation’s immigration laws. The Articles of Confederation created what type of system of government? Which of the following is a disadvantage of federalism?

Under what article does legitimate national law overrule conflicting state laws?

The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States (Article VI, Clause 2), establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the “supreme Law of the Land”, and thus take priority over any conflicting state laws.

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What is main responsibility and duty of the government?

The most basic duty of a government is to protect its people. The government protects citizens from each other by organizing police to enforce the law. It also protects by defending the country from outside forces.