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Is Welsh or Irish easier to learn?

Is Welsh or Irish easier to learn?

Welsh is a very easy language to learn. Not only is it much easier than Irish, it is indeed one of the easiest Indo-European languages.

Is Greek a Celtic language?

Sometimes the same inscription is presented in Latin or Greek as well as in one of the Continental Celtic languages. The Insular Celtic languages are mostly those spoken on the islands of Britain, Ireland, Man, and part of France. The Insular languages belong to one of two branches, the Goidelic and the Brythonic.

Is Welsh easier than Scottish Gaelic?

Welsh has a more intuitive orthography for English-speakers, but (Scottish) Gaelic grammar is probably a bit easier because we have fewer mutations and we don’t conjugate our verbs.

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Is Gaelic hard to learn for English speakers?

As the old saying goes, “comparisons are odious.” That said, if pinned down to it, I’d say that Irish is a little more difficult for English speakers to learn than French or Spanish, a good bit easier than Latin, and one whole heck of a lot easier than Mandarin Chinese. Learning any new language is. But it’s doable.

Is Irish or Scottish Gaelic easier?

So Scottish Gaelic phonology is a little more complex than Irish–if you find Irish phonology hard, you will find Scottish Gaelic’s more so.

Is Welsh hard to learn for English speakers?

Is Welsh a difficult language? No, but it’s a very different language to English. Most English speakers who try to master a second language usually pick or are taught one which has something in common with their own, such as German, or French. Welsh is as easy and as difficult to learn as any other language.

What modern language is closest to Celtic?

Among the modern languages, there is often a closer match between Welsh, Breton, and Cornish on the one hand, and Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Manx on the other.

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Is Welsh easy to learn for English speakers?

New research has reveals it takes a native English speaker an average of 1,040 hours to learn Welsh compared to just 550 hours to become fluent in French. But learning the tongue-twisting ancient Celtic tongue of Wales is a doddle compared to some other languages.

Is Celtic hard to learn?

It is a difficult language to learn. It has so many of its own rules and it can be complicated. But I don’t think it would be any more difficult compared to any other language. It takes getting used to and dedication.

What is the easiest Gaelic to learn for English speakers?

Manx is closely related to irish and scots gaelic. I would say Manx Gaelic ‘Gaelg’ is the easiest to learn for English speakers. The spelling is straightforward and it’s quite a beautiful phonetic language, it’s closely related to Irish and Scots Gaelic but the last two use Romanised spellings with accents etc.

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Is Welsh/Breton harder to learn than Irish/Gaelic?

For those, who have tried to learn from Irish or Scotish Gaelic and Welsh/Cornish or Breton, which of the languages are objectively easier and more difficult. I’m Irish so I can’t make a comparison as I am obviously biased and Welsh/Breton seem quite difficult for me.

Is Irish or Scottish Gaelic a better second language?

Irish and Scottish Gaelic are more closely linked to each other than Welsh, so if you wanted to expand your capabilities to a second language of the three, Irish or Scottish are better options to start with.

Is Welsh easier than Irish and Scottish?

Welsh is easier than Irish but they are both kinda easy for me once you get past the spelling… I don’t have any experience with the others as of yet I can’t really have a say because my native language was scottish gaelic. To me irish seems easy because Gáidhlig and Gaeilge are closely related languages. Welsh to me is pretty hard