Useful tips

Should cricket be a national sport?

Should cricket be a national sport?

It all comes from the game of cricket. If cricket is made as national game of India then it will directly discourage the inclination towards other game. It will greatly hurt the sentiments of the hockey players. It will give a wrong message to the other sports too.

Should cricket be our national game Gd?

Yes, Cricket should be declared as the national game of India:- India has been performing outstandingly well in cricket from the past 20 years or so. It is the most popular sport in India. Children are madly passionate about it, people are deeply involved in the game, there is a cricket critic in every Indian house.

Is cricket our national sport?

Some of these countries may have an official national sport defined by law but may have other sports occasionally considered as a national sport by various sources….De facto national sports.

Country/Territory Sport
England Cricket
Estonia Basketball (summer) Ice hockey (winter)
Fiji Rugby Union
Finland Pesäpallo
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Why is cricket important in sport?

Cricket is a thrill both to play the game and to watch it and its importance is no less than any sporting event. The game also encourages team spirit, fosters discipline, helps build up character and brings out the quality of leadership. It fosters team-spirit.

Is cricket an overrated sport in India GD topic?

Yes, Cricket IS an overrated sport in India. A very general example of this would be how sportspersons in India are encouraged to take up cricket instead of the sport of their choice. Cricket has much better job prospects in India as compared to any sport. IPL and World-Cup seasons in India are treated as festivals.

What is the oldest sport in the world?

Wrestling – Wrestling is regarded the oldest sports in the world and we have proof. The famous cave paintings in Lascaux, France, dating back to 15,300 years ago, depict wrestlers.