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Should we follow vastu or Feng Shui?

Should we follow vastu or Feng Shui?

While the principles of Vastu can ideally be applied to a home that is being built from scratch, Feng Shui has relatively simpler principles which you can use at home any time. Vastu means “dwelling” and Shastra means “science. Whereas, Feng means “air” and Shui means “water.”

Is vastu really necessary?

Vastu Shastra may not be essential for living, but it is helpful for a better and healthier life. Vedic architecture is based on Vastu Shastra , roots can be traced in the scripture called Brihadsanghita. It is a place where all directions meet and hence becomes most sacred and powerful area .

Is there any science behind Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra is a pseudoscience, states Narendra Nayak – the head of Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations. In contemporary India, Vastu consultants “promote superstition in the name of science”.

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Does vastu work in USA?

Since vastu principles are scientific and include position in hemisphere, geographical location, climate, availability of sun light. These factors may differ in different parts of USA, therefore many principles of vastu which are valid for India may not work in USA or are not valid in context of USA.

Does vastu work in UK?

Vastu has begun to pop up on the UK’s highly international property market. Following changes in 2015 to the Liberalised Remittance Scheme in India, which increased the capital that buyers can bring into the UK to $250,000 (£195,000) per person per year, there was a surge of buyers.

What is the difference between Feng Shui and Vastu?

While the principles of Vastu can ideally be applied to a home that is being built from scratch, Feng Shui has relatively simpler principles which you can use at home any time. Vastu means “dwelling” and Shastra means “science.

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What is Vastu Shastra?

The word “vastu” can be generally translated as meaning “dwelling”, and the term “shastra” can be summed up as “teaching”. Vastu shastra is a complex body of knowledge with many mathematical formulas expressing deep reverence for the Hindu deities and proper ways to show this reverence in the design of a space.

What is the difference between Feng Shui and Chi and Prana?

Chi and Prana: The philosophies of Feng Shui are created around the flow of energy, called Chi in Chinese culture and Prana (life) in Hindu culture for Vastu Shastra. Energy fields: Both the practices believe that the centre of the home is where all the energies combine, and thus, that makes it the most important part of the house.

How did ancient cultures use feng shui to improve their homes?

Most ancient cultures have their own practices of connecting with the environment such as how to site your home in the most advantageous way for longevity, abundance, and harmony for your family. Vastu shastra and feng shui were also both used to create venerated sacred sites such as temples and palaces.