Useful tips

Should your resume be packed?

Should your resume be packed?

The goal is to make sure your text is evenly distributed on the page and not packed in too closely. Try adjusting your margins to the different options to see which looks best for your resume.

Should I put my resume in an envelope?

A good rule of thumb is to use a white A4 envelope for mailing your resume. This way, your documents won’t have to be folded, and they can arrive on the hiring manager’s desk looking crisp and neat.

Does the way your resume look matter?

One of the most popular misconceptions about resumes is that colorful paper or a flashy look will get your resume noticed above everyone else’s. The truth is that it is the content of your resume that matters more than anything else and those gimmicks do nothing but cause distractions.

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Is it unprofessional to have color in your resume?

Using black, white, and a third color (such as blue or green) is a safe resume color scheme. It is generally best to avoid using bright colors as they can be distracting and look unprofessional. The color on your resume should compliment it, not take the focus away from the content.

Is it better to email or drop off a resume?

Generally speaking, it is now not considered a welcome gesture for a job seeker to drop off a resume at an employer for a professional-level role. The person receiving the email could check out the applications at their convenience, but still much more quickly than a resume sent by traditional mail.

Should I put my resume in a plastic sleeve?

Place your resume and cover letter inside a protective plastic document sleeve. Not only will the sleeve serve the purpose of keeping the pages neat, it will also allow the hiring manager to pull out your resume, review it, and then file it away if necessary.

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Is a pink resume unprofessional?

Color, as a rule, is a distraction Bright colors can make it difficult to read your resume, which won’t help your chances. But even more than that, using color on your resume can make you look unprofessional. “The information listed on your resume should speak for itself,” says Clawson.

Can my resume be pink?

The answer is yes. As long as the contrast between the text and background is high, using color won’t prevent your resume from being scanned. Conservative use of colors on your resume is acceptable to Applicant Tracking Systems.

Are gaps in your resume bad?

Lying about your resume gap is a really, really bad idea. Don’t change the dates of employment so it looks like you’re still working at the company or shift them so it seems like you have a shorter gap. Employers can verify your career history, and you could get fired for lying on your resume.

Do you fold your resumes?

Folded resumes are unmanageable and do not lay flat in a pile. A hiring manager told me that when folded resumes mess up the pile, he throws them in File 13!

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Should you staple your resume?

However, if you do have more than one-page, you may assume that stapling your resume ensures that the pages remain in a linear and coherent fashion and do not get lost amongst the piles of paper. However, it is preferred that you do not staple the two pages together. Ideally, your resume should be a full page long.

What should you not include on your resume to get hired?

Make sure your resume doesn’t include any of these unnecessary or controversial elements to give yourself the best chance of being invited for an interview: It may be tempting to include everything on your resume that could be relevant to a role you want, but there is a chance of including too much information.

What is more important than the length of your resume?

What’s much more important than the length of your resume is that it tells a story to the hiring manager about why you’re the right fit for the position.