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What affects the discharge of ions during electrolysis?

What affects the discharge of ions during electrolysis?

There are certain factors that affect the discharge of electrons at electrodes. The position of ion in electrochemical series. The concentration of ion. The nature of electrode.

What does not take place during electrolysis?

An electrolyte: a substance containing free ions, which are the carriers of electric current in the electrolyte. If the ions are not mobile, as in a solid salt, then electrolysis cannot occur. Electric current is carried by electrons in the external circuit.

Why are the hydroxide ions discharged in preference to the sulphate ions at the anode?

However, at the anode (+ve electrode), hydroxide ions (OH-) are preferentially discharged since there are far more OH- ions present than Cl- ions in the dilute solution. Water and oxygen gas are formed at the anode.

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Why are ions discharged?

Those atoms that gain or lose electrons become charged ions that pass into the electrolyte. Those ions that gain or lose electrons to become uncharged atoms separate from the electrolyte. The formation of uncharged atoms from ions is called discharging.

Which ion will undergo oxidation during electrolysis?

Negatively charged ions
Negatively charged ions move to the positive electrode during electrolysis. They lose electrons and are oxidised .

Are sulfate ions soluble?

Sulfate/Soluble in
e) All sulfates are soluble except those of barium, strontium and lead. Calcium sulfate, silver sulfate and mercurous sulfate are slightly soluble in water, but calcium sulfate is rarely precipitated in reactions between the calcium and sulfate ions.

What changes occur during the process of electrolysis?

Explanation: By definition, electrolysis is the use of an electric current to cause a chemical reaction which wouldn’t otherwise happen. In a chemical change, bonds are either broken or formed. Electrolysis is a chemical change because, in the process of electrolysis, bonds are broken or formed.

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At which electrode does oxidation happen during electrolysis?

positive anode
Oxidation happens at the positive anode because this is where negative ions lose electrons.

Why is sulfate ion negative?

This salt is formed by one sulfate center to which 4 atoms of oxygen are attached, 2 of these atoms are forming S=O. bonds and the other two are S-O- bonds. These last oxygen atoms are the responsible for the negative charge (-2) of the anion.