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What are early warning signs of schizophrenia?

What are early warning signs of schizophrenia?

The most common early warning signs include:

  • Depression, social withdrawal.
  • Hostility or suspiciousness, extreme reaction to criticism.
  • Deterioration of personal hygiene.
  • Flat, expressionless gaze.
  • Inability to cry or express joy or inappropriate laughter or crying.
  • Oversleeping or insomnia; forgetful, unable to concentrate.

How do I know if I have mood swings?

You may feel grumpy one minute and happy the next. You may also have emotions that can cause damage to your life. For example, you may: be so excitable that you find yourself unable to control urges to spend money, confront people, or engage in other uncontrollable or risky behaviors.

What age does schizophrenia start in females?

Although schizophrenia can occur at any age, the average age of onset tends to be in the late teens to the early 20s for men, and the late 20s to early 30s for women. It is uncommon for schizophrenia to be diagnosed in a person younger than 12 or older than 40.

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Who is at risk for schizophrenia?

The risk for schizophrenia has been found to be somewhat higher in men than in women, with the incidence risk ratio being 1.3–1.4. Schizophrenia tends to develop later in women, but there do not appear to be any differences between men and women in the earliest symptoms and signs during the prodromal phase.

Why do I get mad and then happy?

The depression in bipolar disorder is like depression in any mood disorder. Mania is what makes bipolar disorder different. Some people experience this as feeling very happy, but others feel very irritable or angry during an episode of mania.

How do you get schizophrenia?

Doctors don’t think there’s just one “schizophrenia gene.” Instead, they think it takes many genetic changes, or mutations, to raise your chances of having the mental illness. You’re more likely to get schizophrenia if someone in your family has it. If it’s a parent, brother, or sister, your chances go up by 10\%.

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Can a 13 year old have schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is considered early onset when it starts before the age of 18. Onset of schizophrenia in children younger than age 13 is extremely rare. Symptoms can vary in type and severity over time, with periods of worsening and remission of symptoms. Some symptoms may always be present.