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What are girdles in the Bible?

What are girdles in the Bible?

As a Christian liturgical vestment, the girdle is a long, rope-like cord tied around the waist over the alb or cassock. Christian monastics would often hang religious texts, such as the Bible or Breviary, from their girdles and these became known as girdle books.

What is a girdle in ancient times?

In ancient times the girdle was a very useful part of many costumes, holding long, draped garments or short, loose outfits in place. Girdles were also decorative and could be a kind of jewelry for the waist. Girdles were often made of cloth but were sometimes made of metal, decorated with precious stones and beads.

What is a girdle ancient Greece?

Zone “Girdle” A narrow cord or strip of leather worn over the shoulders, under the arms and tied at the waist or simply around the waist and/or hips as a means of controlling the fullness of the Chiton.

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What is girdle in biology?

a bony structure to which the limbs of vertebrates are attached.

What is a girdled tree?

Girdling is the traditional method of killing trees without felling them. Girdling severs the bark, cam- bium, and sometimes the sapwood in a ring extending entirely around the trunk of the tree (Figure 1). Any leafing branches on the trunk below the girdling ring must be cut off to completely kill the tree.

What is a Roman girdle?

girdle, a band that encircles or girds the waist either to confine the loose and flowing outer garments so as to allow freedom of movement or to fasten and support the garments of the wearer. Among the Romans the girdle was used to confine the tunic and formed part of the dress of the soldier and the matron.

What is the difference between girdle and corset?

The main difference between the Girdle and the Corset is that the Dual-Closure (also known as a Double Corset) has the side zipper closure as well. Underneath the zipper are two sets of adjustable hook and eye closures (one near the top and one near the bottom).

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Can a girdle help flatten your stomach?

Although you may appear thinner when you wear a girdle, the girdle doesn’t strengthen or tone your abdominal muscles. Girdles just temporarily compress and redistribute fat and skin around the abdomen. When it comes to a flat stomach, diet and exercise — not undergarments — are what count.

What type of waist was worn by the Minoans?

As seen in Minoan art, Minoan men wore loincloths (if poor) or robes or kilts that were often long. Women wore long dresses with short sleeves and layered, flounced skirts. With both sexes, there was a great emphasis in art in a small wasp waist, often taken to improbable extremes.

What are girdles in the skeletal system?

The pectoral girdles are to the upper limbs as the pelvic girdle is to the lower limbs; the girdles are the parts of the appendicular skeleton that anchor the appendages to the axial skeleton….

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Shoulder girdle
TA2 361
FMA 23217
Anatomical terms of bone

What is girdling in plants?

2 Girdling or ringing. Girdling consists of a cut through the phloem, in most cases involving the removal of a strip of bark from the circumference of the trunk or scaffold branches (Goren et al., 2003). (2003) reviewed the physiological and horticultural aspects of girdling.