Useful tips

What are long femurs good for?

What are long femurs good for?

Long femurs are a biomechanical disadvantage in the barbell squat exercise, but an advantage in cycling due to torque (measure of force on a rotational object). Short femurs are a big advantage for squatting, but a disadvantage in cycling.

What is considered a long femur?

Having long legs typically refer to having long femurs, which is the length of the upper thigh bone. A lot of lifters may arbitrarily say that they have long femurs, but they haven’t gone through a formal assessment to determine whether their legs are actually longer than the rest of their body.

Are long femurs good for Deadlifting?

A person of any height can have disproportionately long femurs. These will interfere with deadlift mechanics, but there are ways to make the most of this genetic disadvantage. The long femur problem is not a function of overall body height. It’s about femur length relative to torso and shin length.

Do I have a long femur?

If the thighs look out of proportion in terms of being too long, then you probably have long femurs.

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Does femur length affect squat?

Squat mechanics can be greatly influenced by femoral (thigh bone) length [1, 3, 4]. Lifters with long femur lengths relative to shorter tibia (shin bone) lengths will naturally experience greater forward lean deeper into a squat compared to a lifter with proportional femur-to-tibia lengths [1, 3].

Are long femurs good for running?

Considering a positive relationship between lower leg length and Achilles tendon length, a longer tibia may contribute to better running economy. In addition, the present study determined that the total length of the femur + tibia was correlated with better running performance.

How can I lengthen my femur naturally?


  1. Stand with your feet together.
  2. Step forward with one foot.
  3. Bend both knees to a 90-degree angle, or as close to it as you can.
  4. Hold this position for several seconds.
  5. Push off your front leg and return to your starting position.
  6. Repeat, alternating legs.

Do people with longer legs have a running advantage?

No. The length of someone’s legs increases the amount of distance someone can potentially run with one step, but that is only part of the equation. You can have incredibly long legs, but if you lack muscle mass in your legs or the right technique to run fast, you’re not going to be a fast runner.

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Is the femur longer than the tibia?

The femur is the single bone of the thigh. The tibia is the larger, weight-bearing bone located on the medial side of the leg, and the fibula is the thin bone of the lateral leg.

What is belt squat?

The belt squat. Also known as the ‘hip belt squat’, the belt squat is a squat variation where the load anchored to the waist (via a belt) rather than on the back, in the front rack, overhead etc.

What is the best treatment for a femur fracture?

Femur Fracture Management • Diaphyseal fractures are managed by intramedullary nailing through an antegrade or retrograde insertion site • Proximal or distal 1/3 fractures MAY be managed best with a plate or an intramedullary nail depending on the location and morphology of the fracture

Can you squat with long femurs?

The tricky part for lifters with long femurs is that the barbell will want to drift forward in front of the center of mass. However, regardless if you have long-legs or not, you’ll want to ensure that the barbell is directly stacked over the mid-foot, especially as you squat deeper into the bottom end range of motion.

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What is the best stance for squatting?

For squatting, I recommend taking a stance that is 1.5X the distance of your shoulders and flaring your toes slightly. It very well could be that you need to go wider, but this will be a good starting point. Squatting in a wide stance allows you to externally rotate your femurs so that your hips open up more.

How to determine the timing of surgery for a femur fracture?

• Initial traction with portable traction splint or transosseous pin and balanced suspension • Evaluation of knee to determine pin placement • Timing of surgery is dependent on: – Resuscitation of patient – Other injuries – abdomen, chest, brain – Isolated femur fracture F = Force Bending moment = F x D D D = distance from force to implant