Useful tips

What are some bad facts about America?

What are some bad facts about America?

15 Bizarre Facts About America You Won’t Believe Are True

  • There is no official language in the United States.
  • One in eight people in the United States has been employed by McDonald’s.
  • Russia sold Alaska to the United States for 2 cents per acre.
  • Arizona and Hawaii don’t observe daylight savings time.

What is the real name of the USA?

On September 9, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted a new name for what had been called the “United Colonies.” The moniker United States of America has remained since then as a symbol of freedom and independence.

What is the capital of us?

Washington, D.C.
United States/Capitals
Since the U.S. Congress was established by the Constitution in 1789, it has convened in three locations: New York, Philadelphia, and its permanent home in Washington, D.C.

How many facts about America do you know?

From little-known trivia about presidents to amazing facts about the land we walk on, these 50 facts about America will blow you away. With 50 states and a nearly 250-year history, there’s plenty about our majestic nation that will amaze and awe you. Read on to learn more about U.S. politics, geography, notable citizens and more.

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What is the most American thing you know about Atlantic City?

Can’t get more American than that! Atlantic City has the world’s longest boardwalk. Built in 1870, it was also the first boardwalk in the United States. Its purpose was to limit the amount of sand beach goers took with them into hotel lobbies as well as the train.

What is the official language of the United States of America?

Many might say English and even Spanish are the official languages of the US, but the country actually has none. Records indicate the Founding Fathers did not see a need for one. English was dominant at the time of Confederation, and so it needed no special protection.