Useful tips

What are some harsh truth about life?

What are some harsh truth about life?

14 Harsh Life Truths You Need To Know To Be Stronger

  • You cannot always rely on friends.
  • Make time for your passion.
  • You accept challenges.
  • You like being alone but you are not a loner.
  • Lower your expectations.
  • Prepare for bad times.
  • You cannot be popular with everybody.
  • You learn from failure.

What happens when you don’t accept reality?

When you refuse to accept reality, you get stuck in negative emotions such as sadness, anger, shame, or bitterness. You will also cause yourself more suffering if you try to change things that you don’t have any control over. Some things are simply out of our control, whether we like it or not.

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Why you should embrace yourself?

Happiness becomes a natural state of mind when you accept yourself. When you are self-critical, you cut yourself off from the flow of abundance that is your birthright! While those things make us feel good, true happiness exists in the present moment. Happiness is a natural state of mind when you accept yourself!

Why is it so hard to accept yourself?

Accepting ourselves unconditionally is difficult because we must give up the fantasy that if we punish ourselves enough with negative thoughts, we’ll change. It’s as if we think we can whip ourselves into shape by saying things like: I’m weak for feeling any anxiety.

How do you embrace reality?

Embrace reality and deal with it.

  1. Imagine that life is a game with problems like puzzles to solve.
  2. Only act on your emotions when they align with the logic of your game.
  3. Be a hyperrealist.
  4. Be radically open-minded and radically transparent.
  5. Don’t let fears of what others think of you to stand in your way.
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Are You ignoring the harsh reality of life?

Whether you agree or not, we all have been ignoring the harsh realities of life for quite some time. Even though we are technically advanced, we are traveling back when it comes to seeking the real meaning of life. We have no clue about what’s going on with us and what our actual job on earth is.

What are the 8 harsh realities of life you need to accept?

8 Harsh Realities of Life You Need To Accept Right Away 1# A lot of people dream of having YOUR LIFE. You might not like the life you are living now. But, you are a blessed… 2# More Friends Does Not Necessarily Mean MORE FUN. There is a misconception among people that higher the number of… 3#

Are You living in your comfort zone or are you Rich?

You are living in your comfort zone, having an active internet connection, food to eat, TV to watch and a roof to sleep under. Do remember that even if you have only these four basic amenities, you are richer than 75\% of the world’s population. Be happy for what you, but don’t settle for it.

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Does it hurt to have unrealistic expectations on someone?

Expectations hurt, Period. Life was meant to be lived freely not with full of unrealistic expectations. If you desire/expect something, make sure that you work hard enough to turn that into a reality sooner or later all by yourself. Never expect anything out of someone.