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What are some questions about religion?

What are some questions about religion?

Here are 50 questions that a nonbeliever may ask a believer to try and understand religion a bit more.

  • What religion do you believe in?
  • Do you believe in God or another deity?
  • When did you choose your faith?
  • What is your idea of what God looks like?
  • Is there a heaven?
  • Is there a hell?
  • What does heaven look like?

How does religion affect thinking?

Past research has included religious belief within the larger construct of paranormal belief, and demonstrated a correlation between high levels of paranormal belief and poor critical thinking skills.

What is the purpose of believing in a religion?

The purposes of the practice of a religion are to achieve the goals of salvation for oneself and others, and (if there is a God) to render due worship and obedience to God. Different religions have different understandings of salvation and God.

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What are the four big questions raised by religion?

The Big Question: The Big Religion Questions

  • The Big Question: What is religion? People on their knees, or a moral code?
  • The Big Question: What does it… Religion – we might know what they are, and even what we think their…
  • The Big Question: Is too much… Faith is fine – but can you take a good thing too far?

What questions can religion answer?

“It is the main business of religion to answer the big questions. . .

  • What’s going on in the universe? *
  • Is there any point to it all?
  • Why are we here?
  • How should we live?
  • Why be moral?
  • Why is there evil?*
  • Does God exist?
  • Where did the universe come from? *

What is the difference between being smart and being religious?

Smartness is not really a criteria for belief or non belief in a religion. Smartness has a lot to do with the Ego than the beliefs towards any specific religion . The smartest people are usually backward in religious qualities or at least when they act smart .

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Is it possible for smart people to believe in God?

Today’s show will be about the question whether it’s still possible for smart, reflective people, fully cognizant with 21st century science, fully aware of the horrors of modernity, to believe in god. Clearly the answer is — drum roll, please — yes. Many smart, reflective scientifically literate people obviously still do believe in god.

Are intelligent people less likely to be religious?

Just because intelligent people are less likely to be religious doesn’t mean that their brilliance causes them to reject religion. One look at Christians’ intellectual contributions throughout history —made by thinkers such as Donne, Newton, Aquinas, and many others—does away with this misconception.

Is it smart to be a Christian Scientist?

There is no shortage of Christians who are also scientists and have had a major impact on science. People who are religious live longer and happier lives. Thats one way to look at the issue of “smart.” It would be smart to live a longer life so you can experience more love on planet Earth.