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What are the 10 science words?

What are the 10 science words?


  • Proof.
  • Hypothesis.
  • Theory.
  • Model.
  • Natural/Organic.
  • Genetic.
  • Exponential.
  • Quantum.

What are the 26 science words?

Possible answers include: A – astronomy, B – biology, C – chemistry, D – diffusion, E – experiment, F – fossil, G – geology, H – heat, I – interference, J – jet stream, K – kinetic, L – latitude, M – motion, N – neutron, O – oxygen, P – physics, Q – quasar, R – respiration, S – solar system, T – thermometer, U – …

What is an easy way to describe science?

Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.

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What in science starts with J?

joule – The joule is a derived SI unit of energy. A joule is equal to the kinetic energy of a kilogram mass moving at the speed of one meter per second.

What science starts with Z?

zygote: a fertilized egg cell. zoology: the study of animals.

What is a science word for K?

kalium – Kalium is the German name for the element potassium. Kalium is the source of the symbol K for potassium on the periodic table.

Which statement is the best description of science?

Science is a systematic process, which means it follows a careful method that involves observation and experimentation. Through experimentation, information is collected that supports or refutes a scientist’s hypothesis.

What is a synonym for science?

A body of knowledge acquired while being educated. discipline. knowledge. system. branch.

What is a science word for Y?

yttrium – Yttrium is an element with an atomic number of 39 and atomic weight of 88.90585.

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Is there a glossary for Science?

Science is a very vast subject that has innumerable words, terms, definitions, etc. The following article has a glossary list that will help you understand these difficult scientific terms and definitions at a glance.Just read on the following glossary to get a quick idea about some interesting terms.

What are the scientific terms in science?

Science – Glossary of Science Terms and Scientific Definitions 1 Absolute Zero. 2 Abzyme. 3 Acceleration (a). 4 Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). 5 Bacteriology. 6 Bandwidth. 7 Biostasis. 8 Bernoulli Effect. 9 Biovorous. 10 Bluetooth.

What are some fancy medical terms for common things?

50 Fancy Medical Terms for Common Things 1 Obdormition. 2 Borborygmus. 3 Xerosis. Don’t be alarmed if 4 Cerumen. When you clean your 5 Sphenopalatine Ganglioneural 6 Morsicatio Buccarum. 7 Lachrymation. 8 Photalgia. 9 Epistaxis. 10 Pseudoepistaxis. その他のアイテム…

What are some examples of Science in everyday life?

science. scientist. seismology. T. telescope. temperature. test tube. theory. thermometer.