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What are the common values of Western society?

What are the common values of Western society?

Values of Western culture have, throughout history, been derived from political thought, widespread employment of rational argument favouring freethought, assimilation of human rights, the need for equality, and democracy.

What are some key elements of Western society today?

Tendencies that have come to define modern Western societies include the concept of political pluralism, individualism, prominent subcultures or countercultures (such as New Age movements) and increasing cultural syncretism resulting from globalization and human migration.

How did the West come to dominate the world economy?

By 1800, science and the Atlantic market economy pushed western Europeans into mechanising production and tapping the power of fossil fuels. By 1900 the British-dominated global economy had drawn in the resources of North America, changing the meaning of geography once again.

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What is the benefit of Western culture?

Westernization has also been beneficial in globalizing the economy and creating more efficient ways of producing goods and services. Another benefit is the modernization of medical practices, resulting in the extension of life expectancy.

How is Westernization change our society?

Westernization inevitably undermines full development of indigenous cultures and traditions of non-Western people. Furthermore, it creates resentment among non-Western people toward Western values and, fosters racism and prejudice against non-Western people in Western societies.

What can we learn from the Western culture?

What can we adopt from western culture?

  • Society and community value system. Deep-rooted family values are part of the Indian culture.
  • Habit of Cleanliness. Most of us have the habit of throwing garbage here and there instead of putting it in its proper place.
  • Traffic Rules.
  • Transportation.
  • Accountability.
  • Professionalism.

What are the top five differences between Western and Eastern society culture and individuals?

Difference Between Eastern and Western Culture

  • Eastern Culture: Arranged marriages are common.
  • Western Culture: Love marriages are common.
  • Eastern Culture: People are conservative and traditional.
  • Western Culture: People are open-minded and flexible.
  • Eastern Culture: Easterners give more priority to family and elders.
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Why did the West dominate?

In the 19th century the west won the edge that it is now losing again. The dramatic effects of the industrial, scientific and technological revolutions meant that, until the rest of the world caught up, western nations had better guns, more productive economies and superior medicine.

What is the culture of the west?

The western region of the US houses some of the most diverse landforms, climates, and agriculture. The unique characteristics of the area have created the culture of the West, and make it a one-of-a-kind region. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member.

What were the pros and cons of the westward expansion?

Other important events of westward expansion include Louisiana purchase, the homestead act, and manifest destiny. Below mentioned are some pros and cons of westward expansion. The westward expansion bestowed prosperity to the United States. Immigrants gained better life and opportunities from expansion.

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Is the west more advanced than the rest of the world?

Even 200 years ago, the west – if by that we mean the powers of western Europe and then the US – was not significantly richer nor more advanced than the rest of the world: think of the Ottomans, Qing China, the Mughals. Much of North America and sub-Saharan Africa remained beyond the control of western powers.

What makes Western culture more advanced than our culture?

For example, the dicipline and work ethics has made Western country more advanced than our country. This is very good example for our country. In short, Western culture is not only about inappropriate lifestyle toward our culture but also vice versa. 1. Modernisation 2. Global 3. Educational