Useful tips

What can be used instead of gets in C?

What can be used instead of gets in C?

Alternative function to gets() is fgets() and getline(). fgets() can be used in place of gets() to solve the problem. As fgets() reads the entire line till ‘\n’ is encountered or the size of buffer.

Why scanf is used in C?

In C programming, scanf() is one of the commonly used function to take input from the user. The scanf() function reads formatted input from the standard input such as keyboards.

How do I print double Inc?

We can print the double value using both \%f and \%lf format specifier because printf treats both float and double are same. So, we can use both \%f and \%lf to print a double value.

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How do you use getch in Python?

User Input

  1. getch() refreshes the screen and then waits for the user to hit a key, displaying the key if echo() has been called earlier. You can optionally specify a coordinate to which the cursor should be moved before pausing.
  2. getkey() does the same thing but converts the integer to a string.

Why is get unsafe in C?

The gets() function is unsafe because it does not perform bounds checking on the size of its input. An attacker can easily send arbitrarily-sized input to gets() and overflow the destination buffer. The gets() function in C is inherently unsafe.

Is scanf \%d safe?

When scanf function is used for converting decimal representations of numbers into values of arithmetic types, it provides no protection from arithmetic overflow. If overflow happens, scanf produces undefined behavior.

How do I use scanf?

How to read data using scanf() in C

  1. Syntax. The general syntax of scanf is as follows: int scanf(const char *format, Object *arg(s))
  2. Parameters. Object : Address of the variable(s) which will store data.
  3. Return value. If the function successfully reads the data, the number of items read is returned.
  4. Code.
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Is there a way to take input without using scanf?

Yes, you can take input without using scanf and gets functions. But then your input will be limited. Here are 2 different ways. 1.getc() t reads a single character from a given input stream and returns the corresponding integer value (typically ASCII value of read character) on success. It returns EOF on failure.

What’s wrong with scanf?

The main problem is that scanf was never intended to deal with user input. It’s intended to be used with “perfectly” formatted data. I quoted the word “perfectly” because it’s not completely true. But it is not designed to parse data that are as unreliable as user input.

How to detect overflow when converting integers with scanf?

You cannot detect overflow when converting integers with scanf. In fact, overflow causes undefined behavior in these functions. fgets is for getting the input. sscanf is for parsing it afterwards. scanf tries to do both at the same time.

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Why does scanf() need a pointer in C?

That is why scanf () needs a pointer (a pointer in C stores memory location of a variable or an expression) to store input. The address-of operator (&) preceeding a variable i.e. &var Indicates the memory location of variable ‘var’. scanf () stands for scan formatted string.