Useful tips

What can I do with a ESP8266?

What can I do with a ESP8266?

ESP8266 Applications

  1. Smart security devices, including surveillance cameras and smart locks.
  2. Smart energy devices, including HVACs and thermostats.
  3. Smart industrial devices, including Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
  4. Smart medical devices, including wearable health monitors.

How can I control ESP8266 from anywhere?

  1. Step 1: What You’ll Need: Since the esp8266 NodeMcu is so cheap, I highly recommend buying one. You can simply plug it into your PC and use it as an Arduino.
  2. Step 2: Arduino IDE+ESP8266: -Open up the Arduino IDE.
  3. Step 4: Access From Anywhere: First you need to go to and copy your IP.

Which language is used to program ESP8266?

ZBasic for ESP8266 — A subset of Microsoft’s widely-used Visual Basic 6, which has been adapted as a control language for the ZX microcontroller family and the ESP8266. Zerynth — IoT framework for programming ESP8266 and other microcontrollers in Python.

What can NodeMCU do?

NodeMCU is an open source platform based on ESP8266 which can connect objects and let data transfer using the Wi-Fi protocol. In addition, by providing some of the most important features of microcontrollers such as GPIO, PWM, ADC, and etc, it can solve many of the project’s needs alone.

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What is the difference between ESP8266 and ESP32?

What’s the difference between ESP32 and ESP8266? The ESP32 is a dual-core 160MHz to 240MHz CPU, whereas the ESP8266 is a single-core processor that runs at 80MHz. These modules come with GPIOs that support various protocols like SPI, I2C, UART, ADC, DAC, and PWM.

Can we control hardware using ThingSpeak?

ThingSpeak automatically charts the data that you send it, so you can remotely monitor your devices or equipment from anywhere.

How to add ESP8266 to Arduino IDE?

1) Adding ESP8266 URL to Arduino IDE Board Manger. Make sure you are using Arduino IDE version 1.7 or higher. Add additional URL for board manager. 2) Open Board Manager 3) Search and Installing Node MCU (ESP8266) in Arduino IDE. Type “ ESP8266 ” in search box. Select ESP8266 Community. Click on Install Button. Download progress starts. 4) Verify installation of ESP8266

What is the best Arduino IDE?

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IMO the best, real, IDE you can use for Arduino is VisualMicro. Arduino Plugin (new version, simpler & more powerful) It’s a plugin for every Visual Studio variation which provides real debugging for your Arduino projects.

Can ESP8266 replace Arduino?

When it comes to programmable PWM frequency, there is no doubt that Arduino will not be able to replace ESP8266 or ESP32 over the next few years or even decades. This is mainly because the ESP8266 has a built-in PWW frequency call.