Useful tips

What can I do with a useless gift?

What can I do with a useless gift?

What to do with Useless Christmas Gifts

  1. Donate it. It really is the easiest thing to do.
  2. Bring it back. Sometimes you can tell where a gift is from.
  3. Just Use it. I once got margarita rimmer for Christmas.
  4. Re-gift it. Ah the re-gift.
  5. Re-purpose it.

How do you say thank you for an unexpected monetary gift?

How to Word a Thank You Note for Money in a Card

  1. Thank you so much for your generous gift. I plan to use it to save towards ____.
  2. Thank you for your gift!
  3. Thank you for the birthday money.
  4. Thanks for the gift card to ____!
  5. The money you sent me is very appreciated.
  6. Thanks for the money!
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How do you thank someone who gave you a gift?

Simple Thanks

  1. “You’re the best.”
  2. “I’m humbled and grateful.”
  3. “You knocked me off my feet!”
  4. “My heart is still smiling.”
  5. “Your thoughtfulness is a gift I will always treasure.”
  6. “Sometimes the simplest things mean the most.”
  7. “The banana bread was fabulous. You made my day.”
  8. “I’m touched beyond words.”

What do you say when someone gives you a gift?

A simple “Thank you” will do the trick. If you really like the gift and want to say something more, go for it, but don’t stress about the situation. We all get caught off guard with gifts. It happens to all of us, so don’t feel like you’re the only one being unable to figure out the proper come back.

How do you accept a gift graciously?

“Knowing how to accept graciously is a skill we all would benefit from honing.” Instead of getting hung up on that beautifully wrapped but totally unexpected present, try to concentrate on showing your gratitude. “Respond in the same spirit that the gift was given,” Gottsman said.

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What do you do when someone gives you a less-than-love present?

It’s not like when your aunt or old friend from college gives you a present you less-than-love. You barely see those people! You can store that present away in the garage, just bring it out when the gift givers visit, and they’ll never even realize you don’t use it.

What to say to someone who doesn’t know you’re exchanging presents?

“I told the woman, ‘I didn’t know we were exchanging presents. I feel terrible I have nothing for you, but I just love this gift. Thank you,’ and I left it at that.” Newman believes that’s all you’re obligated to do in such a situation. Don’t make excuses and definitely don’t pretend you have a gift at home with your pal’s name on it.