Useful tips

What can we learn from the lives of children?

What can we learn from the lives of children?

Children are more confident, more courageous and enjoy life far more intensely than adults. Sometimes it feels that we spend our entire lives trying to return to who we were as children. Here’s what we can learn from our younger selves to bring more clarity and joy into adulthood.

What can older workers learn from younger hires?

The work and life experiences of each group are unique, but the divide is clearest between the two oldest generations and the two youngest. As is always true, older workers can teach younger colleagues a thing or two. But education is a two-way street, and older workers can also learn from newer hires. Here are a few of those lessons.

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Is there a divide between older and younger generations at work?

The work and life experiences of each group are unique, but the divide is clearest between the two oldest generations and the two youngest. As is always true, older workers can teach younger colleagues a thing or two. But education is a two-way street, and older workers can also learn from newer hires.

Are kids the best motivation for adults?

Kids can be some of the best people to look to for motivation and can offer lessons that any adult can benefit from. Many times, it is because kids are still operating with a clean slate, and have not been influenced by their experiences or the world around them.

How can I Make my Child’s Life feel limitless?

A child’s life feels limitless because they are not confined by fears of failure or humiliation. They march forward with hope and determination because they don’t know any better. They haven’t been beaten down, they haven’t experienced failure. They embrace life and all it has to offer with open arms. 4. Laugh every day.

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How to make new friends as a child?

Children find true joy while playing with friends and they love making new ones. They join soccer teams, go to a birthday parties, start new schools. These are all ways that kids make new friends. Children adhere to the motto, “the more the merrier,” and adults should, as well. 7. Be the hero.