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What did JFK promise would happen if a missile was launched from Cuba?

What did JFK promise would happen if a missile was launched from Cuba?

On the same day, Khrushchev sends another letter to Kennedy, in which he demands that the United States withdraw missiles from Turkey as part of the deal. JFK responds by offering to promise not to attack Cuba after the Russians withdraw.

Was the Soviet Union justified in placing missiles in Cuba?

The Soviets were entirely justified in their belief that Kennedy wanted to destroy the Castro regime. Kennedy and his civilian advisers understood that the missiles in Cuba did not alter the strategic nuclear balance.

What would have happened if the Cuban missile crisis went wrong?

With tactical nuclear weapons on the island, America would have actually lost nearly all of the 180,000 troops in the invasion as well as all the Marines still on Guantanamo Bay. Luckily, the family members had already been evacuated. At this point, both sides would be forced into full nuclear war.

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How did JFK resolve the Cuban missile crisis?

To defuse the worsening crisis, Kennedy and his advisers agreed to dismantle the U.S. missile sites in Turkey but at a later date, in order to prevent the protest of Turkey, a key NATO member. On October 28, Khrushchev announced his government’s intent to dismantle and remove all offensive Soviet weapons in Cuba.

Why did the Kennedy administration view Cuba as a threat to US security quizlet?

The Kennedy Administration believed that the nuclear missiles were a threat to US security and set up a team of advisors to manage the crisis to remove the Soviet missiles from Cuba. Ultimately, the White House was shocked that the Soviets had ignored the US warnings against putting missiles in Cuba.

How did the Kennedy administration know that the Soviet Union was putting ballistic missiles into Cuba?

How did the Kennedy Administration know that the Soviet Union was putting ballistic missiles into Cuba? An attack on Cuba would have required the USSR to respond. Their response would have at the least had to involve an attack on a US ally, probably in Europe.

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Why was the existence of Soviet missiles in Cuba a problem for the USA?

It was a proxy conflict around Cuba. It began when the Soviet Union (USSR) began building missile sites in Cuba in 1962. In 1962, the American government was worried that the USSR would attack America from Cuba, because Cuba is near enough that the missiles could reach almost any city in America.

Who would have won the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Thus, the Soviet did not remove missiles from Cuba because they were willing to do so. Instead, they had no other option other than escaping from the U.S. that was provoked by these missiles. Thus, the U.S. won during the crisis.

What if Cuba was invaded?

If America Invaded Cuba In 1962, Today We Would Call It The Cuban Missile Apocalypse. Millions would have perished. Key point: The Soviet Union had sent nuclear missiles to Cuba. This is what the Cubans would have been told, had the United States invaded the island during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

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What did JFK do with Cuba?

After many long and difficult meetings, Kennedy decided to place a naval blockade, or a ring of ships, around Cuba. The aim of this “quarantine,” as he called it, was to prevent the Soviets from bringing in more military supplies. He demanded the removal of the missiles already there and the destruction of the sites.

Why did President Kennedy demand that the missiles be removed from Cuba?

The basis for President Kennedy’s demand that the missiles be removed from Cuba was basically out of fear. The United States announced that it would not permit offensive weapons to be delivered to Cuba and demanded that the Soviets would dismantle the missile bases that were under construction.

Why do you think Kennedy decided to remove US missiles from Turkey quizlet?

Why do you thing Kennedy decided to remove U.S missiles from Turkey? So we wouldn’t have a nuclear war.