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What did Shou Tucker do to his daughter and dog?

What did Shou Tucker do to his daughter and dog?

Therefore, it’s no shock that, among fans of Fullmetal Alchemist, the outwardly unassuming Shou Tucker is the most vile, widely hated person in the entire saga. Tucker took his daughter and dog, blended them together and made a monster that begged for death from the moment of its creation.

What did Shou Tucker do to his family?

As it turns out, Shou forced his wife to become an experiment by turning her into a chimera. The project succeeded, but the chimera committed suicide shortly after by starving itself. Shou goes on to do the same thing to Nina and his dog by fusing them, and fans were left horrified by the gruesome results.

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Why did Tucker turn his daughter into a dog?

Since Nina was a chimera at the time of her death, Tucker had to use the law of equivalent exchange on himself, to filter out the dog she had been mixed with. This left him a hideous beast, with the appearance of a man crucified upon the back of a humanoid dog.

What happened to Tucker in Fullmetal Alchemist?

Tucker is the only known character to have been killed off in the official manga canon storyline, but was alive in 2003 anime storyline (unlike several other characters who survived in the manga storyline, but were killed off in the 2003 anime storyline).

How did Shou Tucker transmute his wife?

Driven to desperation by his recent alchemical failures, Shou snapped and used his wife as a test subject in his chimeric experimentation, fusing her physical body with that of an unknown creature (probably one from his laboratory) and turning her into a chimera.

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Is Shou Tucker evil?

While the manga and 2009 anime version of Shou Tucker is Pure Evil and was shown to have no redeeming qualities, his 2003 anime version ultimately showed remorse for his actions and tried to redeem himself. Tucker is one of the only Fullmental Alchemist villains who is more heinous than their 2003 counterpart.

Is Shou Tucker the most hated character?

1 – Shou Tucker (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) Here is undoubtedly the most hated anime character ever, Shou Tucker! He may be just a minor character in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, but what he did was utterly unforgivable. He turned his own daughter and their pet dog into a chimera.

Why did Shou Tucker turn his daughter into a chimera?

What happened to Shou Tucker’s daughter?

Death. In both FMA series, the mutated Nina is killed by the alchemist-slaying vigilante Scar. In the 2009 series, while Scar is again responsible for killing Nina, he does not disintegrate her as her body is found inside her home next to the body of her father in a pool of their blood.

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Why did Shou Tucker transmute his daughter?

In order to provide justification for the fact that deep down he ruined the life of his daughter, his dogs, and his wife, to save himself, but “due to him being an alchemist”, it was a worthy price to pay to ensure that he could further benefit humanity.

Who are the top 10 hated anime characters?

10 Most Hated Anime Characters

  • Shou Tucker (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
  • Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
  • Naraku (Inuyasha)
  • Makoto Itou (School Days)
  • Sōsuke Aizen (Bleach)
  • Kyuubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
  • Squealer/Yakomaru (Shinsekai Yori)
  • Nobuyuki Sugōu (Sword Art Online)

Is Shou Tucker a bad guy?

However, he is revealed to be a sociopathic, greedy, and obsessed man who used his family to get his way. After his atrocious crimes were revealed, he never shows remorse over what he had done.