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What did Sweden colonize?

What did Sweden colonize?

Sweden had colonies in the Americas and in Africa. Swedish countries in the America’s include: Guadeloupe (1813–1814), Saint-Barthélemy (1784–1878), New Sweden (1638–1655), and Tobago (1733). The colony of New Sweden can be seen as an example of Swedish colonization.

Why did Sweden colonize?

By the middle of the 17th century, the Swedish Empire had reached its greatest territorial extent. The Swedes sought to extend their influence by creating an agricultural (tobacco) and fur trading colony to bypass French, English and Dutch merchants.

What happened to German colonies after ww1?

Germany’s colonial empire was officially confiscated with the Treaty of Versailles after Germany’s defeat in the war and each colony became a League of Nations mandate under the supervision (but not ownership) of one of the victorious powers. The German colonial empire ceased to exist in 1919.

How many colonies did Germany have in 1914?

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Germany had four African colonies in 1914: Togo (today: Togo and territory in eastern Ghana), Cameroon (Cameroon and territory in northeastern Nigeria), German Southwest Africa (Namibia) and German East Africa (Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania except Zanzibar).

How long did New Sweden last?

The colony never boasted more than a few hundred residents at any given time, and it only lasted for some 17 years before being conquered by the Dutch. Yet despite being a mere footnote to American colonization, New Sweden’s settlers made several contributions to history.

How long did the Swedish empire last?

Swedish Empire was, between 1611 and 1718, one of the great powers of Europe. In modern historiography this period is known as the Swedish Empire, or stormaktstiden (“the era of great power”).

How many countries were Colonised by Germany?

German colonies comprised territory that makes up 22 countries today, mostly in Africa, including Nigeria, Ghana, and Uganda. Germany lost control of its colonial empire at the beginning of World War I when its colonies were seized by its enemies in the first weeks of the war.

How many colonies did Germany lose after the Treaty of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles reduced Germany’s territory in Europe by approximately 13 percent, and stripped Germany of all its overseas territories and colonies….

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German territory/colony Number of present-day countries
German East Africa 6
German West Africa 5
German South West Africa 1
German Samoa 1

What colonies did Germany lose after WWI?

The treaty was lengthy, and ultimately did not satisfy any nation. The Versailles Treaty forced Germany to give up territory to Belgium, Czechoslovakia and Poland, return Alsace and Lorraine to France and cede all of its overseas colonies in China, Pacific and Africa to the Allied nations.

Who conquered New Sweden?

the Dutch
New Sweden, only Swedish colony in America, established by the New Sweden Company in March 1638 and captured by the Dutch in 1655. The first expedition, including both Swedes and Dutchmen, was commanded by Peter Minuit, who purchased land from the Indians and named the settlement Fort Christina (later Wilmington, Del.)

Who was Sweden colonized by?

How long has Sweden been a country?

The country has a 1,000-year-long continuous history as a sovereign state, but its territorial expanse changed often until 1809. Today it is a constitutional monarchy with a well-established parliamentary democracy that dates from 1917.

When did Brandenburg Prussia colonize America?

Main articles: Brandenburg-Prussia and German colonization of the Americas These were colonies unsuccessfully settled by Brandenburg-Prussia (part of the Holy Roman Empire realm), after 1701 Kingdom of Prussia, before the foundation of the German Empire in 1871.

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What were the Habsburg colonies in Germany?

Habsburg colonies. These were colonies of the Habsburg Monarchy, part of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation realm until 1804, Austrian Empire after 1804, Austria-Hungary from 1867 to the end of World War I. Imperial German colonies. These are colonies settled by and controlled by the German Empire from 1884 to 1919.

What territories did Germany acquire through the acquisition of colonies?

Acquisition of colonies. The German Colonial empire got its start around 1884, and in those years they acquired several territories. German East Africa, German South-West Africa, Cameroon, and Togo in Africa. Germany was also active in the Pacific annexing a series of islands that would be called German New Guinea.

What happened to Germany’s colonial empire after WW1?

Germany’s colonial empire was officially confiscated with the Treaty of Versailles after Germany’s defeat in the war and each colony became a League of Nations mandate under the supervision (but not ownership) of one of the victorious powers.