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What do bumper stickers say about people?

What do bumper stickers say about people?

Stickers denoting where you work or live: This one is relatively straightforward. A sticker saying something like “proud resident of” or a sticker from your work simply shows people that that is where you live and work. Allowing them to more easily find you or your house.

What do the 100 stickers on cars mean?

HOUSTON — You may know the 100 Club for their bumper stickers, often one stacked on top on the other. It was started in Houston in 1953. Back then it consisted of just a few members who decided to each donate $100 to help families of Houston police officers killed in the line of duty.

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What does a 0.0 sticker mean?

Three types of people have the 0.0 bumper sticker: Very serious endurance athletes who think that bragging about completing a marathon is ridiculous. This could be road bicycle racers, ultra-runners, distance swimmers, triathletes, or simply serious runners who know their place.

Should I use bumper stickers?

But, as fun and quirky as they may be, bumper stickers can be extremely damaging to your car’s paint if you don’t apply and remove them correctly. Any stickers that you put on your car should be marketed specifically as bumper or window stickers. Do not use normal, paper stickers on your car.

Why do people put numbers on their car?

Residents of Redding, California are reporting mysterious letters and numbers drawn in the dust on their automobiles. Some people are suggesting that the codes could be the work of sex traffickers.

What does Sasquatch bumper sticker mean?

What it means: The mythical Sasquatch is real and he is my friend. (3) Sticker: In a world where you can be anything, be yourself. What it means: I am enlightened. Allow me to enlighten you.

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What does a red circle bumper sticker mean?

Green sticker on the right means that the vehicle behind should overtake if the right side indicator is flashed and red sticker means no overtaking if left indicator is flashed.

Do stickers devalue your car?

The bottom line: Bumper stickers make your car stand out in all the wrong ways to a potential buyer. A car dealer will work to remove the stickers before putting the car out on the lot, but they’ll offer less on your trade-in due to the work needed.

Is it legal to have a bumper sticker on my car?

You absolutely have the right to have that bumper sticker on your car 1. Your employer also has the right to fire you for keeping it there. I’d suggest removing the sticker. Feel free to ignore this advice if you prefer being an uncompromising boor over being employed.

What can a bumper sticker tell you about a stranger?

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Bumper stickers can tell strangers a lot about the driver and their family—as well as their belongings and what might be in their car.

What is the best bumper sticker to get revenge on someone?

Best Bumper Sticker #3 – “I heart Gay Porn” rainbow bumper sticker. This may be the absolute best way to get revenge on a friend. If they’ve really pissed you off, be sure to apply the bumper sticker on a scorching hot day so that it is nearly impossible to get off.

Are bumper stickers obscene under the obscenity law?

The truck driver then filed a federal lawsuit, charging that the obscenity law violated his free-expression rights. U.S. District Judge Myron H. Thompson agreed with Baker, finding that his bumper sticker was not obscene under the law.