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What do core conservatives and solid liberals have in common quizlet?

What do core conservatives and solid liberals have in common quizlet?

What do Core Conservatives and Solid Liberals have in common? They are both highly engaged in politics.

What are both liberals and conservatives most likely to say is important to them about the people they choose to live near quizlet?

What are both liberals and conservatives most likely to say is important to them about the people they choose to live near? People on both the right and left are likely to say that they prefer living near people who share their political views.

Which of the following groups is more likely to identify with conservative positions?

Which of the following groups is more likely to identify with conservative positions? Asians are more likely to identify with conservative positions. Those affiliated with no religion tend to be the most liberal in regard to social issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage.

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What are the political views of a conservative?

Political views. They promulgate individual responsibility, and believe a strong society is made up of citizens who can stand on their own. Conservatives value the armed forces and place their emphasis on faith. Conservatives believe in the importance of stability, and promote law and order to protect the status quo.

What are the economic issues of liberalism?

Economic Issues. In contrast, liberals believe many citizens rely on government services for healthcare, unemployment insurance, health and safety regulations, and so on. As such, liberals often favor a larger government that taxes more and spends more to provide services to its citizens.

What is morality for conservatives?

Morality for conservatives includes three attributes that are not as highly-valued by liberals: loyalty, respect for authority, and sanctity . Research suggests that conservatives are particularly attuned to threats, with a greater startle reflex in response to loud noises.

Do Conservatives Read climatology books?

Conservatives tended to buy books that were disconnected from the rest of the scientific discipline. “In the case of climatology books, for instance, there is a type of conservative climatology that is off on the side by itself,” says Macy. “Most climatology readers don’t read those books unless they’re conservative.