Useful tips

What do you do when your best friend is best friends with someone else?

What do you do when your best friend is best friends with someone else?

What To Do When Your BFF Finds Herself A New BFF

  • Don’t jump to conclusions and feel betrayed instantly. They may have a valid reason for their behaviour.
  • Watch your behaviour and actions.
  • Talk it out.
  • DON’T discuss it with anyone else.
  • Distract yourself and make new friends.
  • Lastly, be patient.

Should I introduce my friend to another friend?

Should you introduce your friends to each other? If you think they would get on well, introducing your friends to each other could be a great idea. You may all be able to hang out together, which could be fun. If you are out with a friend and run into someone you know, it’s good etiquette to make introductions.

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Why am I so jealous of my best friend’s other best friend?

You might be jealous of your best friend having other friends because you’re afraid that they will choose to spend time with them rather than you. However, although jealousy is common, it may help to have a frank conversation about your feelings if you’re finding it hard to act normally around your friend.

Why am I so territorial over my best friend?

Possessiveness often comes from insecurity and jealousy. You may feel that if you don’t control your friendship, your friends may leave you when they find someone “better.” Another reason may be that you lean on someone too much and worry that you can’t cope with your own problems.

How do you introduce two people over text?

Step-by-step instructions on writing an introduction email

  1. Keep the subject line short and informative.
  2. Start with a greeting.
  3. Add an opening sentence.
  4. Introduce both parties.
  5. Tell them why you are introducing them.
  6. Excuse yourself from the thread.
  7. End with a closing that sounds like you.
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How do you introduce a friend over text?

Be clear about why you’re texting When sending an introduction text, state who you are and provide a call to action (if applicable) that lets the recipient know what you need from them. You might need to schedule a phone call, remind them to send over a document or you may just want to give a warm hello.

Does jealousy drive a wedge between friends?

But if handled poorly and without respect for established relationships, it also can drive a wedge between friends. Jealousy is a factor at every age, said Jeffrey Parker, a developmental psychologist at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa.

What are the 15 types of friends you should get rid of?

15 Types of Friends You Should Get Rid Of Immediately 1. The selfish, emotionally draining friend 2. The friend you are always making plans with 3. The flaky friend 4. The friend who always makes you feel like garbage 5. The friend who always encourages you to make bad choices 6. The fuck buddy (whom you actually want to marry) 7. The moocher

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Is it easy to make new friends through friends?

“Things are so instant now, it’s so easy to contact anyone you want and not go through traditional channels,” said Riann Smith, deputy editor of, a Web site for the newly married. Making friends through friends is a well-worn route to new relationships and certainly can be done without hurt feelings.

Do friends make friends do bad things when drunk?

Friends don’t make friends do bad things… or text when drunk, but we’ll turn a blind eye to that one… for now. 13. They talk about their other friends behind their back If they do this, the chances are, they do it to you too.