Useful tips

What does it mean if a girl blocks you for no reason?

What does it mean if a girl blocks you for no reason?

It means she doesn’t want to talk to you due to her being angry and frustrated at you however you treated her. It doesn’t necessarily means she hates you but its just her way of letting you know that she wants space and for you to leave her alone.

Why would someone block and then unblock you?

Originally Answered: What does it mean if someone blocked you and then unblocked you again? Well simply means they didn’t want you following there account. If they have unblocked you again it might mean that they thought they had given it enough time for you to forget about them, which is clearly not the case.

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What should I do if my girlfriend blocked me without reason?

If not, just leave her in peace. Well, from a guy who has some experience of being blocked without no reason i have to say you have to wait and see. Try to talk to her through different way. Not by constantly flooding her with messages but giving her time to think for a while then trying again to contact her.

Why would a girl block you and not give an explanation?

If this is someone you’re pretty close with and they haven’t given you an explanation for blocking you, it might be because: You got into a fight. Sometimes people just need to cool off after an argument and the best way to do that is by not talking, even through social media or texting. Give her a couple of days before you try to contact her.

What to do when a girl won’t let you unblock her?

Give her a couple reasons as to why she should continue to keep you unblocked. However, don’t get pushy with her. Remember the time rules: Send your message and wait. Wait up to 24 hours. If she doesn’t respond by then, it’s okay to send one more text when the day is up.

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What happens when your girlfriend keeps flaking out on You?

If you don’t set a boundary when your girlfriend keeps flaking on you, she will sense that weakness and lose attraction. Let’s say you invite her to get together, but she is busy, or gives you a reason why she can’t.