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What does it mean to be pro-life?

What does it mean to be pro-life?

It’s pretty hard to call yourself “pro-life” when you’re actively working to: Imprison or execute women who access safe abortion care. Tear babies away from their parents and lock them in cages, with no plan to reunite them. Silence doctors and strip reproductive healthcare away from millions of low-income people.

How does the pro-life movement affect women’s lives?

In the two centuries the movement has existed, its constituencies, tactics, and tools have all changed. But what has remained is the effect this movement has had on women’s lives. In the end, the pro-life movement transformed ideas as it also restricted the real ability of American women to access reproductive healthcare.

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What is the argument for the pro-life view of life?

The argument for the pro-life view, then, may be summarized like this: 1 The unborn is a human being. 2 All human beings have human rights, which include the right not to be intentionally killed. 3 Therefore, the unborn human being has human rights.

Do pro-lifers care about children after they are born?

The most common allegation of inconsistency used against pro-lifers is that we don’t care about children after they are born. A good example of this was provided by professional bigot George Carlin, who said: Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren’t they? They’re all in favor of the unborn.

Is the pro-life movement a religious movement?

To anyone looking in from the outside, the movement seems to be more about making public declarations of pious conservatism than advocating for life. It is, at heart, a religious movement, which explains the absence of contraception and sex education from the platform.

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Is pro-life morality just a ploy to raise taxes?

Because you don’t want any tax money to go there. That’s not pro-life. That’s pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is. At the National Review, David French argues this angle is just a ploy to raise taxes and mocks those who share Chittister’s position.

What is the real argument for saving unborn babies?

The real argument is simply about the movement’s hypocrisy. If pro-life advocates genuinely saw saving unborn children as their top priority, then a significant number of them would also fight for a world in which all women and men can be confident that their children’s future will include education, food, and housing.

There are some people who take up the pro-life mantle for other reasons. Fetters, for instance, interviews some attendees who hold to a “consistent ethic of life” which means that life should be protected from conception to natural death.

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Are pro-life people religious people?

It’s something that we often don’t even think about: pro-life people are religious people, however that’s not completely true. There are some people who take up the pro-life mantle for other reasons.

Should pro-life be the central subject of political concern?

It’s not enough to say what we should not do. The pro-life leftist position maintains that human life is so significant, so inherently valuable, so irreplaceable that it should be the central subject of political concern.

Do conservative religious traditions support the pro-life movement?

There is clearly a strong relationship between conservative religious traditions and supporting the pro-life movement. For instance, nearly 85\% of Mormons cross this threshold, while just over two thirds of Protestants can say the same. The right side of the graph is illuminating.