Useful tips

What does it mean when a tooth turns GREY?

What does it mean when a tooth turns GREY?

Dental trauma is the most common cause of a grey tooth. Similar to your knee turning black and blue after a fall, your teeth can also become discolored following an injury. A tooth turning grey following an injury is a sign that the tooth is not receiving adequate blood flow.

Why does my tooth hurt when I touch it with my fingernail?

Common causes of tooth sensitivity include brushing too hard, using a hard-bristled toothbrush and applying tooth-whitening products. You may also feel pressure sensitivity due to a broken tooth, tooth decay, a tooth abscess, tooth-grinding or eating acidic foods.

What does it mean if you tap on your tooth and it hurts?

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If tapping lightly on the tooth causes acute pain, this is usually a sign of local infection. Infections can often be treated with the simple use of antibiotics, but, in severe cases, an abscess may develop in the gums, teeth or bone of the jaw that may require surgical drainage.

Is it possible to bruise a tooth?

A bruised tooth usually results from injury or trauma. It can also result from biting your nails, grinding or clenching your teeth, biting down on hard foods, or undergoing multiple dental procedures.

Is a GREY tooth an emergency?

This could be more serious than a simple cosmetic concern. Often times, a grey tooth is a sign of an underlying condition that could require immediate treatment. You should seek dental attention right away if your teeth are greying. Oral complications should not be taken lightly.

Can tooth nerve heal itself?

Can a tooth nerve heal itself? Teeth nerves do have the ability to heal, yes. However, there are degrees of damage that occur and it is only in certain circumstances that self-healing happens.

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How long can a bruised tooth take to heal?

However, a bruised tooth can wait a few days to see if it heals on its own. Other symptoms of a bruised tooth include: lingering soreness. inflammation.

What are the signs of a tooth dying?

A dying tooth may appear yellow, light brown, gray, or even black. It may look almost as if the tooth is bruised. The discoloration will increase over time as the tooth continues to decay and the nerve dies. Pain is another possible symptom.

Why does my tooth hurt when I touch it with my fingernails?

If you are feeling pain in your tooth by touching with fingernail .It must be sensitivity problem and you should go to dental clinic for the routine check-up. And use a soft- bristled toothbrush. Brush gently and carefully around the gum line so you don’t remove gum tissue. I would suggest to stop touching ur gums with ur fingernails!

Why does my tooth hurt when I Bite Down?

Common causes of tooth sensitivity include brushing too hard, using a hard-bristled toothbrush and applying tooth-whitening products. You may also feel pressure sensitivity due to a broken tooth, tooth decay, a tooth abscess, tooth-grinding or eating acidic foods. Hidden cracks or fractures can also cause discomfort to the tooth when biting down.

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What should I do if my Tooth Hurts when I Touch It?

Our teeth is very sensitive and we should protect them with carefully. If you are feeling pain in your tooth by touching with fingernail .It must be sensitivity problem and you should go to dental clinic for the routine check-up. And use a soft- bristled toothbrush. Brush gently and carefully around the gum line so you don’t remove gum tissue.

Why do my teeth hurt when I brush them?

Grinding your teeth and clenching your jaws can lead to chronic tooth sensitivity, as you wear away at the enamel on your teeth. While many people clench or grind their teeth from time to time, high-stress circumstances or poor sleep can lead to you increasing this habit without you realizing it, resulting in tooth pain that seems mysterious.