Useful tips

What does it mean when your rat sways its head back and forth?

What does it mean when your rat sways its head back and forth?

Swaying may help the rat figure out how far away various objects are. When a rat moves its head, the images of the objects around the rat move across its retina. Close objects will move faster than far ones, a phenomenon known as motion parallax. Rats may use such motion parallax cues to judge distance and depth.

Why is my pet rat wobbly?

As rats age, they can become prone to back leg weakness. This is often referred to as hind leg degeneration or HLD. You may notice your rat appear wobbly or one or both legs starting to drag when they walk.

Why is my rat stumbling around?

Stumbling, weakened legs, shuffling, and any other changes in how your rat moves are all things to watch out for. These symptoms can be the beginning (or progressing) signs of HLP or a PT, or even renal disease.

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How do I know if my rat is in pain?

Recognizing Pain in Rodents

  1. Decreased activity or a reluctance to move.
  2. Abnormal gait or posture.
  3. Rough, greasy-looking coat.
  4. Dark, red material around the eyes and nose in rats.
  5. Decreased appetite.
  6. Excessive licking or chewing of a body part or area.
  7. Aggressiveness when handled.
  8. Eating of bedding material.

Why do rats head tilt?

The eustachian tube becomes blocked from the pus/infection, causing increased pressure in the middle ear, which will cause the symptoms of neurological disease and a head tilt. The head tilt may then become a permanent symptom or may resolve once the ear drum (tympanic membrane) ruptures.

Why is my rat acting weak?

One of the main causes of lethargy in rats is a secondary bacterial infection. Mycoplasma is the primary bacterial infection in most rats but does not usually cause symptoms of lethargy. Another possible cause of lethargy is heat stroke. See more info in the Heat Stroke article.

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How can you tell if a rat is dehydrated?

A dehydrated rat will probably be less active than normal and may be lethargic and look depressed. He may sit hunched over and move little. He will be disinterested in food and may refuse to drink water.

What is wrong with my rat?

Some of the most common illnesses that rats contract include respiratory infections, skin mites, tumors, and bumblefoot (a skin infection). If you believe that your rat is sick, take it to see a small-pet veterinarian. Fortunately, most illnesses that rats contract are completely curable.

Can rats get vertigo?

In the long run most rabbits and rodents that develop this problem progress to the point where they cannot eat or stand. I imagine that the constant vertigo becomes very unpleasant as well.

Why do rats have whiskers on their heads?

The rat uses his whiskers to gain information about its surroundings through touch. Using tiny muscles around each whisker, the rat sweeps its whiskers back and forth, brushing them over everything within a few inches of its face, and gleans an image of the world around it.

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Why does my rat Bob his head up and down?

Dark-eyed rats may sway or bob their heads up and down too, though they tend to do so less frequently than albino rats. Head bobbing in dark-eyed rats is usually seen before the rat takes a big jump. Swaying may help the rat figure out how far away various objects are.

Why is my pet rat shaking?

If your rat is older and their shaking resembles spasms, then it might be a sign of illness. If you are petting them, then it could be bruxing. They show happiness through being jumpy sometimes, so this could be another reason.

What happens when a pet rat is sick?

Rats can contract different illnesses during their lifetime. For example, respiratory diseases are quite common. If sick, rats will be lethargic, tired, have no appetite, and so on. Keep in mind that you won’t have days to help your rat, but rather just a few hours.