Useful tips

What does the Bible say about helping the community?

What does the Bible say about helping the community?

As a person of faith, you have an obligation to God to help the people in your community who need a hand. “Generous persons will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” The Good News: Knowing that you’ve been able to help someone is its own reward.

What does the Bible teach us about the meaning of work?

When we go all the way back to Genesis, we can see that God worked when He created the world. Therefore, when we work, we resemble Him. In addition, work is not God’s way of punishing us. In fact, He blesses us with the ability to work so that we can honor Him.

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What is a good scripture for today?

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

What is the relationship between oholah and oholibah?

Oholah means “her tent”, and Oholibah means “my tent is in her”. The Hebrew prophets frequently compared the sin of idolatry to the sin of adultery, in a reappearing rhetorical figure.

What is today’s prayer?

I pray to You my Father above, that You influence all decisions I, my family, and my friends make today. You’re our pillar of support and we want You to support us throughout the day by giving us the capacity. God, we need You to back all actions and decisions that surround us today. Let positivity follow us, oh Lord.

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Why do we share our blessings?

If you’re still unconvinced about the power of sharing your blessings with others, here are some key points that you should consider. Sharing boosts confidence. When you need a confidence boost, all you need to do is give what you have to others and you’ll surely feel the difference. Sharing nurtures gratitude.

What is Ezekiel’s calling in the Bible?

2. Ezekiel’s calling was both religious as well as political. Ezekiel was called to the people of Israel who had wandered away from God. God had raised up prophets over time to call the people of God back to Himself, as part of the covenant pursuit of His beloved people.

What warnings did Ezekiel give to the northern kingdom of Israel?

Ezekiel recorded many warnings for the northern kingdom of Israel that had gone into captivity more than 100 years before—and had never returned. They are sometimes called the lost tribes of Israel today.

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What does Ezekiel say about the scroll in front of him?

Earlier in chapter 2 the prophet was told that he must eat the scroll ( Ezekiel 2:8 ). Now, with the scroll in front of him the command is repeated. i. “It is specially incumbent on those who have to go forth and speak, to open their mouths and eat the roll.

How did God strengthen Ezekiel’s faith?

Strengthened by God, Ezekiel answered their commitment with a greater commitment on his part. If they were hard in their rebellion, God would make him harder than flint in his courage and integrity. i. I have made your face strong: “God promised to equip Ezekiel emotionally and intellectually to deal with the anticipated rejection.