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What does the Book of Mormon say about prophets?

What does the Book of Mormon say about prophets?

Mormons do not believe that everything a prophet says is inspired by God (and nor do the prophets). Prophets are human beings who God has chosen to speak through – but not everything they say is being said by God. Joseph Smith said that “a prophet is only a prophet when acting as such”.

Is it a commandment to follow the prophet?

They might say the prophet gave us counsel but that we are not obliged to follow it unless he says it is a commandment. But the Lord says of the Prophet, “Thou shalt give heed unto all his words and commandments which he shall give unto you.” (D&C 21:4.)

Is the LDS prophet infallible?

Mormons don’t use the term “infallibility” to refer to their leaders and readily acknowledge that they are imperfect men. In practice, though, LDS belief comes awfully close to that standard. After all, Mormon children are taught to sing “Follow the Prophet” and are assured that he never will lead the church astray.

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What did the prophet say LDS?

The prophet said that “faith in Jesus Christ is the greatest power available to us in this life.” He also stressed that increasing faith and trust in God requires effort. President Nelson gave five suggestions to increase faith: Study the gospel. Choose to believe.

What does Book of Mormon teach?

A central purpose of the Book of Mormon is to convince all people that Jesus is the Christ (see title page of the Book of Mormon). It testifies of Christ by affirming the reality of His life, mission, and power. It teaches true doctrine concerning Christ’s Atonement—the foundation for the plan of salvation.

What does follow the prophet mean?

Founder Joseph Smith took the title “prophet” and claimed divine messages, but also urged members to think for themselves and to ask God directly about the truth of various pronouncements. After all, Mormon children are taught to sing “Follow the Prophet” and are assured that he never will lead the church astray.

Why is it important to follow the prophet?

The prophet is in direct contact with God, and through him truths and revelations are revealed to help us avoid unhappiness. They’ve been called to righteously guide and direct us—not just Latter-day Saints but everyone in the world. They instruct us, warn us, and share counsel from the Lord for our time.

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Can the Prophet lead us astray?

The Lord Will Never Permit the Living Prophet to Lead the Church Astray. President Wilford Woodruff (1807–98) declared that we can have full confidence in the direction the prophet is leading the Church: “The Lord will never permit me or any other man who stands as President of this Church to lead you astray.

Are prophets perfect LDS?

The prophets are not perfect, but they are called of God. They may speak as men, but may speak scripture as well. Every person may know for themselves whether they speak the truth through the same power that their revelation is given: the power of the Holy Ghost.

What did the prophet teach?

Some 40 years later Muhammad started preaching a new religion, Islam, which constituted a marked break from existing moral and social codes in Arabia. The new religion of Islam taught that there was one God, and that Muhammad was the last and most important in a series of prophets and messengers.

What has the prophet asked us to do LDS?

President Nelson also asked the youth to do a thorough life assessment with the Lord to ensure they are on the covenant path—or living faithfully according to the covenants they have made with God. To those who have wandered off, he pleaded that they repent and return.

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Who is the most famous Latter-Day Saint prophet?

List of Prophets of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Joseph Smith Jr. Prophet from April 6, 1830 to June 27, 1844 (14 years) Brigham Young Prophet from December 27, 1847 to August 29, 1877. John Taylor Prophet from October 10, 1880 to July 25, 1887. Wilford Woodruff

What do Latter-day Saints believe about Jesus?

In addition to the above, Latter-day Saints believe unequivocally that: Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and the Son of our loving Heavenly Father. Christ’s Atonement allows humankind to be saved from their sins and return to live with God and their families forever.

Who are the living prophets of The Church of Jesus Christ?

As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are blessed to be led by living prophets—inspired men called to speak for the Lord, as did Moses, Isaiah, Peter, Paul, Nephi, Mormon, and other prophets of the scriptures.

What do Latter-day Saints do with their families?

They also participate in ordinances on behalf of their deceased ancestors. Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are also used to perform marriage ceremonies in which the faithful are promised eternal life with their families. For members of the Church, family is of central importance.