Useful tips

What happen if anime never existed?

What happen if anime never existed?

If Anime had never been created, someone would create something to replace what we now know as Anime. In short, in a reality where anime had never been created, there would be something new that would replace the podium that anime occupies in our reality.

Why does anime have to exist?

Well, anime took off in Japan initially because they wanted a cheap way to make entertainment media back before they became financially successful as a country. Working on making animation as efficient and cheap as possible to make meant animation could be a much more affordable medium to use than live action.

Is it impossible to go to anime world?

You can go in an anime world, but. only 1 anime world you can chose, you cannot change, and when you leave for your new world, you have to go alone and will never be able to come back, you will leave your family, friends, pets, everything.

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Are schools in Japan like anime?

Many anime shows feature high school students with scenes taking place inside their school. Unfortunately, real Japanese schools are much more strict and many students do not have as much time as you may think for cliques and other things similar to what you might see in anime shows.

What is shifting into anime?

A very simplified way of explaining it is that shifting is moving one’s consciousness from a body in this reality to one in another reality. In laymen’s terms, they want to experience leaving their physical body to see what lies beyond our physical reality.

What would happen if anime had never existed?

If anime had never existed all this solidarity, happiness, and support that is created would be gone, and there would be a lot more sadness in the world. Well for starters I wouldn’t be here, neither would anyone else.

What would happen if the anime industry shut down in Japan?

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Japans economy would probably take a rather large hit. Japan wouldn’t be the same, they would be financially in a hole due to: Cut in tourism, Lacking in major factory’s and business’s; More than seventy-five percent of Japans business’s revolve around anime some how whether it’s advertisement, producing anime, products and collectibles.

What was the original thumbnail image for this anime does not exist?

The original thumbnail image for This Anime Does Not Exist: “Notice me, Onee-chan!” Incidentally, it also seems that users love sharing images that are not the most beautiful, but the weirdest as well. The below four were among the most popular images on the website during the first few hours, when there was only n=10,000 of each image:

What should I think about when watching anime?

Think of all the people that anime has brought joy. Think of all those moments where your favorite anime made you laugh, made you smile, made you cry. Think of of all the jobs it has created between production, distribution, and translation. Think of all the friends people have made from having this common interest.