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What happened to a magnet when it is cut into two equal halves?

What happened to a magnet when it is cut into two equal halves?

Each one reinforces the magnetic fields of the others. Each one has a tiny north and south pole. If you cut one in half, the newly cut faces will become the new north or south poles of the smaller pieces.

What happens when a bar magnet is cut into two pieces perpendicular to its length?

Answer: The pole strength of each piece when a bar magnet is cut into two equal halves perpendicular to its length is the same as the pole strength of the original bar magnet.

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When a bar magnet is cut into two equal pieces perpendicular to its axis then what will be change in its magnetic moment?

If a bar magnet is cut into two equal parts along the magnetic axis, then the magnetic moment becomes half of the original value.

Why does the magnetic field become stronger closer to the magnetic poles?

the magnetic field lines never cross each other. the closer the lines, the stronger the magnetic field (so the magnetic field from a bar magnet is strongest closest to the poles)

When a bar magnet is cut perpendicular to the magnetic axis its pole strength decreases?

When a magnet is cut into two halves perpendicular to its axis, why does the pole strength not change? – Quora. The pole strength depends on the magnetic force and its affecting area ( force x area = resulting strength). You neither lessen the the force of the field or the area, so the pole strength will not change.

Does pole strength change when magnet is cut?

Cut along the length: When the magnet is cut along the length then the pole strength (m/2) changed to half but the magnetic length (2l) will remain the same.

What happens to dipole moment if a bar magnet is cut into two equal pieces parallel to its length?

A: If a bar magnet is cut into two equal halves then magnetic dipole moment of each part is half that of the original magnet.

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When a magnet of pole strength m is cut into two equal parts?

If the magnet is cut along its length into two equal parts , pole -strength of each part ,the number of free poles of the molecular magnets at it extremities will also be halved . . So , the pole – strength of each part =m2 and magnetic length = 2l . ∴Magnetic moment,p′m=m2.

What happens when two north magnetic poles are brought near each other?

The end that faces the north is called the north-seeking pole, or north pole, of the magnet. When two magnets are brought together, the opposite poles will attract one another, but the like poles will repel one another. This is similar to electric charges. Like charges repel, and unlike charges attract.

When magnet are the force of magnetism is stronger?

The magnetic field of a bar magnet is strongest at either pole of the magnet. It is equally strong at the north pole when compared with the south pole. The force is weaker in the middle of the magnet and halfway between the pole and the center.

When a bar magnet is cut parallel to the magnetic axis its pole strength and magnetic moment decreases True or false?

When a bar magnet is cut parallel to the magnetic axis its pole strength and magnetic moment decreases.

What is magnetic axis of a bar magnet?

An imaginary line (XY) passing through the magnetic north pole and magnetic south pole of a bar magnet is called its magnetic axis.

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What happens if a bar magnet is cut into two pieces?

What happens if a bar magnet is cut into two pieces: (i) transverse to its length, (ii) along its length? The pole strength of each piece when a bar magnet is cut into two equal halves perpendicular to its length is the same as the pole strength of the original bar magnet.

What happens when you cut the magnetic field?

If you make a cool cut across the axis of the internal magnetic field, you get two smaller and weaker bar magnets. At the time of the cut the north poles of both magnets will be facing in the direction of the original north pole, and the two magnets will be attracting, “trying to heal the wound.”

Is it possible to cut a magnet in half?

In theory, or in principle. However, in reality, if you “cut” a bar magnet into two halves, it is anybody’s guess as to whether the pieces would retain the magnetism, because (a) the cutting process would generate a lot of heat…

Why is the net magnetic field at the end of magnets?

If the material in the inside of the magnet is a long line of N-S, N-S ……,N-S pieces, there will be a tendency of all the various N-S dipoles to cancel each other INSIDE the magnet, so the net magnetic field will tend to be set by the end points of the magnet.