Useful tips

What happens if my Uber drivers car breaks down?

What happens if my Uber drivers car breaks down?

In case a car breaks down and the trip cannot be completed, effectively the ride ends at that moment. This does require the driver click on the button to finalize the ride, of course. You would be charged for the distance and duration driven. If you had upfront pricing, it would be recalculated for the shorter trip.

Can you drive for Uber with cosmetic damage?

As long as the vehicle passes the annual state inspection, it qualifies for Uber. If there is significant damage, a passenger could report it to Uber and they may require a repair to continue driving if they feel it’s significant. Small dings or scratches are not typically any issue.

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What happens if you damage a Lyft car?

Our team will send an email if you’re charged a damage fee. You’ll get an updated receipt after the damage fee has been charged. You can also check out details in the ‘Ride history’ tab of the Lyft app. Any damage fees incurred will be shown under that ride.

How do I report an Uber vehicle breakdown?

To connect to the safety helpline during a ride, users can tap the shield icon on the live tracking screen to open the safety toolkit. Then tap on ‘Safety Helpline’ option and swipe to talk to the Uber safety team. The helpline will address safety related issues with the Uber ride.

How much does Lyft pay if someone throws up in your car?

Lyft drivers are allowed to impose a fee up to $250 for any messes or accidents involving bodily fluids. The Lyft customer service page categorizes “vomit, urine, and blood” as the bodily fluids the drivers are at liberty to charge for if an incident involves a clean up of what is listed.

Can you drive Uber with hail damage?

No more than 8-seats, including the driver’s seat. Able to pass a pink slip inspection. Registered and CTP-insured in New South Wales. Free from cosmetic damage (e.g. scuff marks, scratches and indentations such as hail damage)

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Can you drive Lyft with a damaged car?

Excessive Body Damage While small blemishes are fine, it’s not acceptable to drive a vehicle for Lyft that has serious body damage. If there’s a big dent in one of your doors, for instance, Lyft isn’t going to let you use the vehicle.

What’s the deal with Uber’s bonus?

The bonus would make up the difference, even if you didn’t get paid what you usually would in fares. According to Uber, if you played your cards right driving the 8 busiest hours you were guaranteed X dollars, even if you only got one fare an hour. It sounded great in theory, drive less, make more.

What is it like to drive for Uber in Detroit?

I drove for Uber in the Detroit area for over two and a half years, as well as for Lyft. 95\% of my driving was for Uber as while Lyft paid better there wasn’t any demand. I regularly hit well above the “top drivers” category on my reports and was one of the top 10 drivers by fares in Michigan, according to Uber.

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Should I Sell my Car and drive for Uber?

Most Uber drivers would be better off selling their car than driving for Uber, or would make more money selling their car and taking Uber rides to a minimum wage job. Every once in a while I had an opportunity to take an Uber and I used to ask drivers if they realize they aren’t really making money, just taking the equity out of their cars.

How does Uber’s 8 busiest hours guarantee money?

According to Uber, if you played your cards right driving the 8 busiest hours you were guaranteed X dollars, even if you only got one fare an hour. It sounded great in theory, drive less, make more. There were a few problems with this system. First, if you couldn’t drive all the busiest hours you were out of luck.